Gestalt is a theme for Gitbook. While its layout is based off of the default Gitbook theme, it aims to be highly configurable for styling. This is achieved by porting the default theme styles to SASS and turning most things that were CSS rules into variables.
This theme is for you if the default theme is well enough, but you need more control in how it looks.
This theme works with Gitbook version >= 3.0.0
. To include it in your project, edit your book.json
to include the theme as a plugin.
"plugins": [ "theme-gestalt" ]
A recommended usage would be the following:
"plugins": [ "theme-gestalt", "-theme-default", "styles-sass-fix" ]
This configuration adds the Gestalt theme, removes the default theme, and includes the styles-sass-fix
plugin to allow you to write your own SCSS to extend the styling. See Style Customization for more info.
Below are the theme options available for Gestalt.
"pluginsConfig": {
"theme-gestalt": {
"logo": "/assets/logo.png", // path to the logo file to use in the sidebar
"favicon": "/assets/favicon.png", // path to your favicon
"excludeDefaultStyles": true // excludes the pre-compiled theme css in favor of your custom css
Customizing the style of Gestalt is possible by creating a SCSS file in your project that includes Gestalt's SCSS but overwrites its variables. But first, we'll need to do some setup.
To customize the style of Gestalt, you must first do the following:
By default, Gitbook themes inject a CSS file into your project. However, we want to include your customized CSS file into the project instead. To achieve this, edit your book.json
file to include the following:
"pluginsConfig": {
"theme-gestalt": {
"excludeDefaultStyles": true
By default, The Gestalt Theme hide the chapters children of root chapters. Sometimes, when we are using another plugin to expand/collapse chapters, we want to disable this feature. To achieve this, edit your book.json
file to include the following:
"pluginsConfig": {
"theme-gestalt": {
"doNotHideChildrenChapters": true
In order to compile your custom SCSS, you'll need to include the styles-sass-fix plugin:
"plugins": [ "theme-gestalt", "-theme-default", "styles-sass-fix" ]
Now that you're all setup, you'll need to include your custom SCSS file in your project. Edit your book.json
to include your custom SCSS file:
"styles": {
"website": "./styles/website.scss"
Now we get to the actual customization. In your custom SCSS file, overwrite the variables you need to achieve your look. Higher level variables can be found in _variables.scss, while more specific variables can found in the tops of the files in ./src/scss/website.
Here's an example custom SCSS file:
@import "../node_modules/gitbook-plugin-theme-gestalt/src/scss/variables";
// Put your variable overrides here
$book-background: black;
$page-background: black;
$sidebar-background: black;
$color-border: $color-gray-dark;
$color-primary: blue;
$color-text: red;
$heading-map : (
color: $color-primary,
border-bottom: 1px solid $color-primary,
font-family: $font-family-sans
@import "../node_modules/gitbook-plugin-theme-gestalt/src/scss/all";
The above would then produce the following: