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krazyworld 2.0

Used in our paper "On the Importance of Sampling in Meta Reinforcement Learning." Good for testing exploration in a meta-RL setting.



This version of krazy world no longer uses PyGame! Instead, the grids are written directly to numpy. This makes it faster and also avoids PyGame.


Lets look at the constructor for krazyworld and go over each of its arguments

kw = KrazyGridWorld(screen_height=256, grid_squares_per_row=10,
                        one_hot_obs=False, use_local_obs=False, image_obs=True,
                        seed=42, task_seed=68, init_pos_seed=70,
                        num_goals=3, max_goal_distance=np.inf, min_goal_distance=2,
                        num_steps_before_energy_needed=50, energy_sq_perc=0.05, energy_replenish=8,

screen height is the size of the screen. Only square screens are supported, so this is also the width

grid_squares_per_row is the number of grid elements in each row. The total grid is grid_squares_per_row*grid_squares_per_row in size.

imgage_obs Whether you want your observations as a

(screen_height, screen_height, 3)

RGB array or as a vector representation of the grid. If you choose imgage_obs=True, the grid will be rendered straight to a numpy int array and the resulting array will be returned to you. No external rendering library is called, saving the headaches of pygame etc.

one_hot_obs is applicable only when you receive the observations as a state matrix. If true, you'll receive a numpy array of size

(grid_squares_per_row, grid_squares_per_row, number_of_tile_types)

with number_of_tile_types being one_hot encoded according to which type of tile lives in that spot in the grid.

use_local_obs If this is true then the agent will only receive observations in a neighborhood about itself. It will not see the whole grid, making the problem much harder.


seed, task_seed, init_pos_seed are used to control RNG.

task_seed sets the RNG for which tasks you draw. init_pos_seed sets the RNG for the agent's initial position. seed controls both.

num_goals, max_goal_distance, min_goal_distance control the number of goals on the grid and how far they are from the agent's start position. The agent gets a reward for reaching these goals.

death_square_percentage Percentage of death squares. Not really a percent, actually the proportion. Takes values between 0 and 1. These squares kill the agent when it lands there.

energy_sq_perc Percentage of energy squares. Not really a percent, actually the proportion. Takes values between 0 and 1. These squares provide the agent with energy. If the agent runs out of energy, it's game over.

num_steps_before_energy_needed is the number of steps the agent can move before it needs to replenish energy. Setting this to np.inf means the agent will never run out of energy.

energy_replenish The number of extra moves the agent gains each time it picks up an energy square.

num_transporters Sets the number of pairs of transporters on the map. Each transporter moves the agent across the map onto another transporter square.

ice_sq_perc Agents slide over ice squares. It does not cost energy. If consecutive ice squares are encountered, the agent will keep sliding until it hits a wall or transverses the last ice square. The agent will continue to travel in its original direction over ice squares, as if it had momentum in that direction.

The reset function

kw.reset(reset_board=False, reset_colors=False, reset_agent_start_pos=False, reset_dynamics=False)

The reset function takes 4 arguments, which are used to control how much the agent resets.

reset_board samples a new MDP from the task distribution. The location of all the tiles change, as well as the agent's start position.

reset_agent_start_pos keeps the same grid (MDP) but starts the agent from a new position.

reset_colors changes the color of each tile type. For example, by default the death squares are red. However, if we call this function they will be some other color chosen at random.

reset_dynamics The agent's dynamics change. By default, action 0 is up and action 1 is down, etc. When this function is called the mapping of the action indexes to the action the agent takes are scrambled.

If all of these arguments are set to False, the agent will simply reset to the same board with the same start position as before. The agents energy will reset to its standard amount.

Kontrived Grid

Also featuring kontrived_grid, which is just one grid that has been designed to make exploration difficult. This is not a good benchmark for meta RL. However, it's a decent benchmark for exploration in RL in general. You might want to start there. If your algorithm can't solve that problem, it likely can't solve the harder krazy world.


Bradly Stadie. Ge Yang. Written with ❤️


krazy grid world







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