The game 2048 built using JavaFX 16 and Java 17. This is a Java port based on the Javascript version:
Check down below for a screenshot.
You may find binaries available for download, for Windows, Mac and Linux, with Java bundled in. Check successful builds for stable releases.
You will need OpenJDK 17 (or newer) installed to build and run the project:
./gradlew run
You can create a ZIP file that will bundle a small JRE and the game, or you can create a native OS installer (e.g. MSI, DMG, DEB).
To create a ZIP bundle, run:
./gradlew dist
To create a native OS installer, run:
- Run
./gradlew dist jpackage
You can build container image from source code using the Dockerfile and run the containerized game.
You have to share the X11 socket with the container. For that you need to install VcXsrv Windows X Server for windows or Xquartz if you're using macOS. Make sure to allow connections from network during setup.
On macOS, you'll need to run xhost +
every time you re-open Xquartz.
The final step is to run the container: docker run -it --rm -e DISPLAY=host.docker.internal:0.0 image_name
Submit an issue and share your thoughts.
If you want to run with Java 8, you can download the tag java-8. New features in the master branch will not be back-ported.
The project is licensed under GPL 3. See LICENSE file for the full license.