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THWiseman committed Oct 19, 2023
1 parent aa1bc52 commit 8d3a2e7
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Showing 2 changed files with 38 additions and 44 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -193,29 +193,23 @@ case class BlobPath private[blob](pathString: String, endpoint: EndpointURL, con
if(container.value.startsWith("sc-")) Try(UUID.fromString(container.value.substring(3))) else Failure(new Exception("Could not parse workspace ID from storage container"))

def containerWSMResourceId: Try[UUID] = {
val wsmGenerator: Option[WSMBlobSasTokenGenerator] = fsm.blobTokenGenerator match {
case wsmGenerator: WSMBlobSasTokenGenerator => Option(wsmGenerator)
case _: Any => None
private def getWSMTokenGenerator: Try[WSMBlobSasTokenGenerator] = {
fsm.blobTokenGenerator match {
case wsmGenerator: WSMBlobSasTokenGenerator => Try(wsmGenerator)
case _: Any => Failure(new NoSuchElementException("This blob file does not have an associated WSMBlobSasTokenGenerator"))
val workspaceId: Try[UUID] = parseTerraWorkspaceIdFromPath
val wsmAuth: Try[String] = wsmGenerator.get.getWsmAuth

Try(wsmGenerator.get.getContainerResourceId(workspaceId.get, container, wsmAuth.get)).flatten
def containerWSMResourceId: Try[UUID] = {
for {
generator <- getWSMTokenGenerator
workspaceId <- parseTerraWorkspaceIdFromPath
wsmAuth <- generator.getWsmAuth
resourceId <- generator.getContainerResourceId(workspaceId, container, wsmAuth)
} yield resourceId

def wsmEndpoint: Try[String] = {
val wsmGenerator: Option[WSMBlobSasTokenGenerator] = fsm.blobTokenGenerator match {
case wsmGenerator: WSMBlobSasTokenGenerator => Option(wsmGenerator)
case _: Any => None
val maybeEndpoint ={generator =>
maybeEndpoint match {
case endpoint: Some[String] => Try(endpoint.value)
case _ => Failure(new NoSuchElementException("Could not determine WSM API endpoint."))
} => generator.wsmClientProvider.getBaseWorkspaceManagerUrl)

override def getSymlinkSafePath(options: LinkOption*): Path = toAbsolutePath
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Expand Up @@ -70,39 +70,39 @@ object TesAsyncBackendJobExecutionActor {

/* Under certain situations (and only on Terra), we want the VM running a TES task to have the ability to acquire a
* fresh SaS token for itself. In order to be able to do this, we must provide the task execution script with a
* WSM endpoint, WorkspaceID, and container resource ID. The task VM will use the user assigned managed identity that
* it is running as in order to authenticate.
* fresh sas token for itself. In order to be able to do this, we provide it with a precomputed endpoint it can use.
* This endpoint will contain the WSM root, WorkspaceID, and container resource ID.
* The task VM will use the user assigned managed identity that it is running as in order to authenticate.
def getLocalizedSasTokenParams(taskInputs: List[Input], pathGetter: String => Try[Path]): Option[LocalizedSasTokenParams] = {
def getLocalizedSasTokenParams(taskInputs: List[Input], pathGetter: String => Try[Path]): Option[String] = {
val shouldLocalizeSas = true //TODO: Make this a Workflow Option or come from the WDL
if (!shouldLocalizeSas || taskInputs.isEmpty) return None
if (!shouldLocalizeSas) return None

val templateInput = taskInputs.head
val templateValidatedBlob = BlobPathBuilder.validateBlobPath(templateInput.url.getOrElse("NotValid"))
if(templateValidatedBlob.equals("")) return None
val blobFiles = taskInputs.collect{ //Collect all inputs with URLs defined as (in)valid blob paths
case input if input.url.isDefined => BlobPathBuilder.validateBlobPath(input.url.get)
}.collect{ //Collect only the valid blob paths
case valid: BlobPathBuilder.ValidBlobPath => valid

val blobFiles: List[ValidBlobPath] = {
input => BlobPathBuilder.validateBlobPath(input.url.getOrElse("NotValid"))
}.collect {
case c: BlobPathBuilder.ValidBlobPath => c
if(blobFiles.isEmpty) return None
//We use the first blob file in the list as a template for determining the localized sas params
val blobPath: Try[BlobPath] = pathGetter(blobFiles.head.toUrl).getOrElse(None) match {
case blob: BlobPath => Try(blob)
case _: Any => Failure(new UnsupportedOperationException("Could not convert path into Blob path"))

val templateBlobFile = blobFiles.head
val url = templateBlobFile.toUrl
val initialPath: Try[Path] = pathGetter(url)
val blobPath: Option[BlobPath] = initialPath.get match {
case blob: BlobPath => Option(blob)
val sasTokenEndpoint = for {
blob <- blobPath
wsmEndpoint <- blob.wsmEndpoint
workspaceId <- blob.parseTerraWorkspaceIdFromPath
containerResourceId <- blob.containerWSMResourceId
endpoint = s"$wsmEndpoint/$workspaceId/resources/controlled/azure/storageContainer/$containerResourceId/getSasToken"
} yield endpoint

sasTokenEndpoint match {
case good: Success[String] => Some(good.value)
case _: Any => None

val uuid: Try[UUID] = blobPath.get.containerWSMResourceId
if(!uuid.isSuccess) return None
val container = templateBlobFile.container
val maybeWorkspaceId = blobPath
val tryWsm = blobPath.get.wsmEndpoint
val wsmEndpoint = tryWsm.getOrElse("invalid") => LocalizedSasTokenParams(wsmEndpoint, container.value, blobPath.get.containerWSMResourceId.get.toString))

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