Finch is a functional open source Twitter app for Android. It is "4.0 themed" but should run on any device 2.2 and up.
- OAuth login
- Home timeline
- Connections timeline
- Timeline caching with scroll position saving
- Profile viewing
- Favoriting tweets
Needs work:
- Messaging
- Notifications
- Inline photo viewing support
- Tweet entities (photo, location, etc)
- Lots more
Will happily accept pull requests as long as they match the existing code style (< 80 char line lengths are a must!).
I use ant and the Android cli tools exlcusively. If you would like to add equivalent instructions on building with Eclipse please send a pull request.
git clone
cd finch
android update lib-project -p \
libs/JakeWharton-Android-ViewPagerIndicator-f09acb0/library/ \
-t android-4
android update lib-project -p \
libs/JakeWharton-ActionBarSherlock-2eabf25/library/ -t android-14
android update project -p . -t android-15
You will also need Twitter consumer keys (see, and add them to src/com/bourke/finch/common/
You should take care not to commit your keys to git as they could be stolen and abused. Run the following to make git ignore this file:
git update-index --assume-unchanged \
I recommend checking out "", which is simple wrapper for building and deploying Android apps using Ant:
git clone
cp debug/ finch/
./ -bira MainActivity
This will build, install, and run Finch on your connected device or emulator.
You can also just use 'ant debug'.
For simplicity I have decided to track dependencies manually rather than via git submodules.
DiskLruCache 1.1.0
HttpResponseCache 1.0.0
ActionBarSherlock 4.0.2
Android-ViewPagerIndicator f09acb0
Twitter4J 2.2.5