Additional header files for the TdZdd library. Provides more utilities for Zero-Suppressed Binary Decision Diagram (ZDD) applications.
A tdzdd::DdEval
for efficient moments calculation for a family of subsets represented by a ZDD.
An iterator for sorting a family of subsets by weight. The code is adapted from the weighted_iterator implementation of SAPPOROBDD::ZBDD
in the Graphillion library.
A tdzdd::DdSpec
for random pruning during ZDD construction for memory performance. Ideally used with Bootstrap methods.
./run [ <zddFile> <options>... ]
Constructs a ZDD representing the power set of the set containing 10 elements. The ZDD construction randomly prunes each arc with probability 0.1 to produce a subset of the power set. Calculates the first 3 moments of the family.
./run -power 10 -prune 0.1 -moment 3
Constructs a ZDD representing valid solutions to a Knapsack problem. The problem has 10 items with random weights and values and a total capacity of 50. Prints the first 5 solutions sorted by total value.
./run -knapsack -sort 5 <<< "10 50"
Constructs a ZDD representing all undirected paths in a complete graph with 5 vertices. Calculates the first 3 moments of the family of paths with respect to path length. Exports the ZDD into STDOUT in SAPPOROBDD format.
./run -graph 5 -moment 3 -export