StreamComprehension allows for comprehensions to build streams instead of lists.
Sometimes when working with streams I find myself longing for the versatility of list comprehensions. This project is an attempt to have the best of both worlds (for fun; no intent to use this in production).
You should be able to use stream comprehensions the same as regular comprehensions (less the :into
and :reduce
options because that defeats the point), but the output will be a stream instead of a
import StreamComprehension
input = Stream.cycle([ok: "twenty-three", error: "forty-two", ok: "nineteen"])
my_stream =
# only use words from :ok tuples
stream for {:ok, word} <- input,
# for demonstration purposes only; always truthy
send(self(), {:word, word}),
# show off bitstring generator
<<character <- word>>,
# filter on character being in lowercase alphabet
character in ?a..?z do
#=> #Function<59.58486609/2 in Stream.transform/3>
#=> :ok
Enum.take(my_stream, 38)
#=> 'twentythreenineteentwentythreenineteen'
# {:word, "twenty-three"}
# {:word, "nineteen"}
# {:word, "twenty-three"}
# {:word, "nineteen"}
#=> :ok