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Brave Components

Brian Clifton edited this page Nov 22, 2024 · 24 revisions


Component extensions (or, more simply, components) allow Brave to receive asynchronous updates to core functionality without needing to update Brave itself. Currently, Brave uses components to download the data files associated with Ad Block, HTTPS Everywhere, Tracking Protection, Tor Client Updater and Widevine Content Decryption Module and Crypto Wallets.

Installation and Updates

On startup, Brave installs its registered components via If already installed, Brave verifies that the components are up-to-date. Once installed/verified, Brave checks for new updates every 5 hours. The sponsored image components for NTP are checked for updates every 15 minutes (see kSIComponentUpdateCheckInterval here).

Performing an On-Demand Update Check

To perform an on-demand update check of your installed components, visit brave://components/ in Brave and press the appropriate "Check for update" button.

You can check the list of components installed in Brave Browser by navigating to brave://components:

Component Supported By Brave Component ID What it does Repo Comments
Autofill States Data No AutofillStates Contains a mapping of acronyms of state names in different countries to the full names. Helps ease autofilling of state data.
Brave Ad Block Updater Yes iodkpdagapdfkphljnddpjlldadblomo Contains Brave's default adblock lists Component ID "mined" to include the substring adblo
Brave Ad Block List Catalog Yes gkboaolpopklhgplhaaiboijnklogmbc Enumerates all Brave's supported regional list components
Brave Ad Block Resources Library Yes mfddibmblmbccpadfndgakiopmmhebop Enumerates all Brave's default resource replacements and scriptlets for adblocking,
Regional lists (e.g. Easylist-Cookie List - Filter Obtrusive Cookie Notices) Yes various Contains any regional lists enabled in brave://settings/shields/filters See list_text_component fields for relevant component IDs
Brave HTTPS Everywhere Updater Yes oofiananboodjbbmdelgdommihjbkfag Maintains the HTTPSEverywhere database which is used to upgrade insecure navigations to secure when the matching rules are found
Brave Local Data Updater Yes afalakplffnnnlkncjhbmahjfjhmlkal Used to update Greaselion scripts, etc.
Brave SpeedReader Updater Yes jicbkmdloagakknpihibphagfckhjdih Maintains data files to support Brave Speedreader
Brave Tor Client Updater Yes cldoidikboihgcjfkhdeidbpclkineef
Contains the Brave Tor client required to support Tor windows
Brave User Model Installer Yes kkjipiepeooghlclkedllogndmohhnhi Maintains data files to support Brave Ads
Certificate Error Assistant Yes SSLErrorAssistant Helps fix errors in misconfigured SSL certificates
CRLSet Yes CertificateRevocation Maintains a list of websites with bad certificates so that users can be protected from harmful websites
Crowd Deny Yes Crowd Deny Revokes all permissions for sites in the list
Federated Learning of Cohorts No Floc Has data to support FLOC This feature has significant privacy risks and should not be enabled in Brave
File Type Policies Yes FileTypePolicies List of file extensions and how they are handled in download protection This is used by Safe Browsing
Hyphenation Yes Hyphenation Data that assists css-hyphens in chromium
Legacy TLS Deprecation Configuration No TLSDeprecationConfig This component adds a whitelist of domains that can use deprecated TLS 1.0/1.1 components. Not needed. We disable TLS 1.0/1.1 completely in Brave.
MEI Preload Yes MEIPreload Used to pre-seed the Media Engagement Index which determines whether auto-play is enabled on a site
NTP Sponsored Images Yes gccbbckogglekeggclmmekihdgdpdgoe Updates the NTP Sponsored image assets
NTP Super Referral Yes Updates the NTP Super Referral image assets
NTP Super Referral mapping table Yes Manage NTP SR mapping table (promo code and NTP SR Component id
Origin Trials No OriginTrials Metadata for origin trials
Safety Tips Yes SafetyTips Protobuf of domains for client side lookalike URL detection
Subresource Filter Rules No Subresource Filter Contains rules to block websites which don’t follow the better Ads Standard. Its often used to block phishing domains
Widevine Yes oimompecagnajdejgnnjijobebaeigek Widevine’s DRM solution provides the capability to license, securely distribute and protect playback of content on any consumer device
youtubedown.js Yes Used to get playlist-component
Zxcvbn Data Dictionaries No ZxcvbnData This contains the data like popular English words and names to higlight password strength. The work to develop a custom password check is being tracked here:
Crypto Wallets Yes odbfpeeihdkbihmopkbjmoonfanlbfcl Contains the Brave Crypto Wallet component required to support Dapp Component lazy loads by default unless set to run at browser startup
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