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[github actions] update sonic-net/sonic-swss sonic-net/sonic-sairedis…
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bradh352 committed Feb 12, 2025
1 parent cf63a5b commit cd6ebd4
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Showing 4 changed files with 4 additions and 4 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/sonic-sairedis
Submodule sonic-sairedis updated 47 files
+61 −5 .azure-pipelines/build-template.yml
+1 −1 .azure-pipelines/test-docker-sonic-vs-template.yml
+22 −0 .github/workflows/sync_upstream.yml
+103 −10 lib/ClientSai.cpp
+3 −0 lib/ClientSai.h
+4 −1 lib/ClientServerSai.cpp
+79 −0 lib/Recorder.cpp
+18 −0 lib/Recorder.h
+109 −10 lib/RedisRemoteSaiInterface.cpp
+3 −0 lib/RedisRemoteSaiInterface.h
+7 −1 lib/Sai.cpp
+90 −1 lib/ServerSai.cpp
+9 −2 lib/ServerSai.h
+14 −0 lib/sairedis.h
+4 −0 lib/sairediscommon.h
+96 −0 lib/tests.cpp
+24 −34 meta/Meta.cpp
+0 −4 meta/Meta.h
+145 −0 meta/SaiSerialize.cpp
+13 −0 meta/sai_serialize.h
+483 −46 syncd/FlexCounter.cpp
+12 −2 syncd/FlexCounter.h
+4 −0 syncd/
+7 −0 syncd/SaiDiscovery.cpp
+87 −0 syncd/Syncd.cpp
+3 −0 syncd/Syncd.h
+7 −0 syncd/VendorSai.cpp
+40 −0 syncd/tests.cpp
+27 −0 tests/TestClient.cpp
+1 −0 tests/aspell.en.pws
+3 −2 unittest/lib/
+26 −0 unittest/lib/MockSaiInterface.cpp
+26 −0 unittest/lib/MockSaiInterface.h
+19 −0 unittest/lib/TestClientServerSai.cpp
+13 −0 unittest/lib/TestRedisRemoteSaiInterface.cpp
+108 −1 unittest/lib/TestServerSai.cpp
+30 −0 unittest/meta/TestMeta.cpp
+69 −0 unittest/meta/TestSaiSerialize.cpp
+1 −1 unittest/syncd/MockableSaiInterface.cpp
+245 −4 unittest/syncd/TestFlexCounter.cpp
+37 −0 unittest/syncd/TestSyncd.cpp
+33 −0 unittest/syncd/TestVendorSai.cpp
+53 −0 unittest/vslib/TestSwitchMLNX2700.cpp
+38 −0 unittest/vslib/TestVirtualSwitchSaiInterface.cpp
+100 −1 vslib/SwitchStateBase.cpp
+5 −0 vslib/SwitchStateBase.h
+88 −0 vslib/VirtualSwitchSaiInterface.cpp
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/sonic-swss
Submodule sonic-swss updated 52 files
+22 −0 .github/workflows/sync_upstream.yml
+2 −2 .gitignore
+60 −4 cfgmgr/portmgr.cpp
+2 −1 cfgmgr/portmgr.h
+30 −5 cfgmgr/vlanmgr.cpp
+1 −0 debian/rules
+6 −1 fpmsyncd/fpmlink.cpp
+401 −57 fpmsyncd/routesync.cpp
+25 −2 fpmsyncd/routesync.h
+16 −1 neighsyncd/neighsync.cpp
+1 −1 orchagent/
+66 −8 orchagent/aclorch.cpp
+18 −0 orchagent/aclorch.h
+23 −0 orchagent/flexcounterorch.cpp
+1 −0 orchagent/flexcounterorch.h
+17 −3 orchagent/intfsorch.cpp
+24 −3 orchagent/main.cpp
+16 −2 orchagent/nexthopgroupkey.h
+15 −6 orchagent/nexthopkey.h
+112 −13 orchagent/nhgorch.cpp
+15 −11 orchagent/orchdaemon.cpp
+3 −3 orchagent/orchdaemon.h
+40 −4 orchagent/pfc_detect_mellanox.lua
+15 −3 orchagent/portsorch.cpp
+166 −72 orchagent/routeorch.cpp
+17 −7 orchagent/routeorch.h
+23 −0 orchagent/saihelper.cpp
+5 −0 orchagent/saihelper.h
+791 −64 orchagent/srv6orch.cpp
+102 −2 orchagent/srv6orch.h
+15 −1 orchagent/switchorch.cpp
+3 −0 orchagent/swssnet.h
+36 −11 orchagent/vxlanorch.cpp
+4 −3 orchagent/vxlanorch.h
+4 −4 portsyncd/linksync.cpp
+23 −1 tests/
+5 −0 tests/dvslib/
+4 −0 tests/
+1 −0 tests/mock_tests/
+296 −0 tests/mock_tests/aclorch_rule_ut.cpp
+75 −21 tests/mock_tests/check.h
+45 −0 tests/mock_tests/flexcounter_ut.cpp
+658 −3 tests/mock_tests/fpmsyncd/test_routesync.cpp
+9 −0 tests/mock_tests/mock_sai_api.h
+4 −0 tests/mock_tests/mux_rollback_ut.cpp
+31 −0 tests/mock_tests/routeorch_ut.cpp
+45 −24 tests/mock_tests/switchorch_ut.cpp
+45 −0 tests/
+532 −11 tests/
+60 −0 tests/
+3 −1 tests/
+34 −0 tests/
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/sonic-utilities
Submodule sonic-utilities updated 65 files
+22 −0 .github/workflows/sync_upstream.yml
+48 −15 acl_loader/
+9 −1 clear/
+24 −6 config/
+63 −22 config/
+81 −48 counterpoll/
+285 −8 doc/
+25 −6 dump/plugins/
+43 −7 dump/plugins/
+4 −0 generic_config_updater/
+3 −3 generic_config_updater/gcu_field_operation_validators.conf.json
+42 −0 scripts/
+7 −0 scripts/decode-syseeprom
+89 −20 scripts/
+7 −19 scripts/fast-reboot
+124 −4 scripts/generate_dump
+8 −3 scripts/ipintutil
+72 −32 scripts/
+5 −1 scripts/portstat
+395 −0 scripts/wredstat
+2 −1
+8 −4 show/
+132 −0 show/interfaces/
+31 −0 show/
+17 −1 show/
+136 −27 show/
+87 −0 show/
+13 −1 sonic_installer/
+105 −0 tests/
+0 −124 tests/config_override_input/new_feature_config.json
+15 −11 tests/
+72 −0 tests/
+6 −0 tests/counterpoll_input/config_db.json
+65 −12 tests/
+61 −0 tests/db_migrator_input/appl_db/tunnel_table_expected.json
+25 −0 tests/db_migrator_input/appl_db/tunnel_table_input.json
+1 −4 tests/db_migrator_input/config_db/cross_branch_upgrade_to_4_0_3_expected.json
+3 −0 tests/db_migrator_input/config_db/tunnel_table_input.json
+34 −0 tests/
+10 −0 tests/
+70 −1 tests/
+18 −0 tests/dump_input/acl/appl_db.json
+0 −16 tests/dump_input/acl/config_db.json
+30 −8 tests/dump_tests/module_tests/
+8 −0 tests/generic_config_updater/
+209 −0 tests/
+27 −0 tests/mock_tables/appl_db.json
+2 −2 tests/mock_tables/asic0/config_db.json
+19 −3 tests/mock_tables/config_db.json
+344 −1 tests/mock_tables/counters_db.json
+57 −0 tests/mock_tables/state_db.json
+2 −0 tests/portstat_db/on_sup_packet_chassis/chassis_state_db.json
+2,514 −0 tests/portstat_db/on_sup_packet_chassis/counters_db.json
+56 −0 tests/
+112 −1 tests/
+43 −3 tests/
+38 −0 tests/
+7 −1 tests/
+90 −2 tests/
+49 −0 tests/
+1,284 −0 tests/
+38 −11 utilities_common/
+23 −0 utilities_common/
+22 −22 utilities_common/
+104 −5 utilities_common/

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