OpenElect is an open source voting platform which helps government, enterprise, and small organization to hold online elections. The key tenets of OpenElect are security, simplicity, and verifiability. OpenElect utilizes the most advanced cryptography technology and strive to create a plaform where engineers around the world can contribute to make OpenElect better and safer.
- Product Owner: [Ryan Carey] (
- Technical Lead: [Bradley Portnoy] (
- Scrum Master: [Brian Hsu] (
- Project Manager: [Rebekah Kwon] (
Use the link to create an account, start an election, and vote. Or clone this repo to develop and extend the original voting system. To run the service: grunt serve
- Server Environment: NodeJS
- Web Framework: ExpressJS
- Database: PostgreSQL
- Task Runner: Grunt
- Architecture: React & Flux
- User Interface: HTML5/SCSS
- Continuous Integration: CircleCI
- Test Runner: Grunt
- Test Framework: Mocha
- Assertion Library: Chai
- Plugin(s): Sinon
- Application Management: AWS Elastic Beanstalk
- Node 0.12.x
- PostgreSQL 9.x
- Bower
From within the root directory:
sudo npm install -g bower
sudo npm install -g nodemon
npm install
bower install
grunt serve
From within the root directory:
grunt test
grunt tasks:
- grunt test
View the project roadmap here
See for contribution guidelines.