Gradle can be acquired by direct download: Gradle
...or through a Windows package manager like Chocolatey
choco install gradle
...or through a Mac package manager like Homebrew
brew install gradle
Once you have gradle installed jump to the 'Run the game' section and run those commands
Additionally, many IDEs include Gradle by default. IntelliJ IDEA is recommended.
choco install intellijidea-community
To import the project into IntelliJ, follow these steps:
- File -> New -> Project (from version control) -> GitHub
- (or Check out from Version Control -> GitHub)
- Choose Password authorization and enter your GitHub username and password
- Git Repository URL:
- Parent Directory: {your choice}
- Directory Name: LudumDare46
- Clone
- 'Unlinked Gradle project' popup -> Import Gradle Project
- Check 'use auto-import'
- Uncheck 'Create separate module per source set'
- Run -> Edit Configurations -> + -> Application
- Name: desktop
- Main class:
- Working Directory: {project root}\core\assets
- Use classpath of module: desktop
- Before Launch: + -> Run Gradle Task
- Gradle Project: desktop
- Tasks: sprites
To setup the project in any other IDE, do something similar. (Feel free to open a pull request with details for other IDEs)
The easy way to setup Mac OS X to do LibGDX game dev is to utilize homebrew
Homebrew requires xcode.
Install Homebrew:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
If you need to install git
and clone the project, do that first:
brew install git
mkdir ~/code && cd ~/code
git clone
cd LudumDare46
Install Build requirements:
brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask
brew cask install java
If you don't have a java IDE installed, you can easily download one
(IntelliJ in this example) with brew cask
brew cask install intellij-idea-ce
Eclipse and Netbeans are also available through brew cask
First, the images in the /sprites folder must be packed into a sprite atlas (re-run this command when images are added or removes from the /sprites folder):
./gradlew desktop:sprites
Then you can run the game!
./gradlew desktop:run
The game should build and run the desktop version.