If you limit your Amazon Elasticsearch Service with an IAM role, you will need to sign every http request made to the service. The function createESConnectorClass
creates a new class that can be used as a drop-in replacement for Elasticsearch default class. For example:
var elasticsearch = require('elasticsearch');
var esHttpConnector = require('elasticsearch/src/lib/connectors/http');
var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
var awsEs = require('aws-es-utils');
var let client = new elasticsearch.Client({
host: 'https://xxxx.ap-southeast-2.es.amazonaws.com',
connectionClass: awsEs.createESConnectorClass({
superClass: esHttpConnector
awsRequestSigning: true
Extra config to Elasticsearch client constructor
(boolean): enable AWS request signingawsRegion
(string | optional): AWS region. If this property is missing, the class will try to parse the region from the host name.awsCredential
(object | optional): optional AWS credentials. If this property is missing, the class will try to use AWS.CredentialProviderChain to retrieve the default credential. This property could be either an AWS.Credentials object or a normal object with the following properties:accessKeyId
(string): the AWS access key IDsecretAccessKey
(string): the AWS secret access keysessionToken
(string): the optional AWS session token (the string you received from AWS STS when you obtained temporary security credentials))
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