bl808 Linux
├── bl808_dts # kernel dts file
├── bl_mcu_sdk_bl808 # bl_mcu_sdk for build low load bin
├── # build script
├── linux-5.10.4-808 # linux kernel code
├── opensbi-0.6-808 # opensbi code
├── out # bin file output dir
├── toolchain # build need toolchain
└── # readme file
Ubuntu20.04 needs to use apt to install the package:
sudo apt install flex bison libncurses-dev device-tree-compiler lz4
Download toolchains
mkdir -p toolchain/cmake toolchain/elf_newlib_toolchain toolchain/linux_toolchain
curl | tar xz -C toolchain/cmake/ --strip-components=1
curl | tar xz -C toolchain/elf_newlib_toolchain/ --strip-components=1
curl | tar xz -C toolchain/linux_toolchain/ --strip-components=1
Step by step
./ --help
./ opensbi
./ kernel_config
./ kernel
./ dtb
./ low_load
./ whole_bin
./ all
Then find the firmwares under out
├── fw_jump.bin
├── hw.dtb.5M
├── Image.lz4
├── squashfs_test.img
├── low_load_bl808_d0.bin
├── low_load_bl808_m0.bin
└── whole_img_linux.bin
- Get the latest version of DevCube from
- Connect BL808 board with PC by USB cable
- Set BL808 board to programming mode
- Press BOOT button
- Press RESET button
- Release RESET button
- Release BOOT button
- Run DevCube, select [BL808], and switch to [MCU] page
- Select the uart port and set baudrate with 2000000
- M0 Group[Group0] Image Addr [0x58000000] [PATH to low_load_bl808_m0.bin]
- D0 Group[Group1] Image Addr [0x58000000] [PATH to low_load_bl808_d0.bin]
- Click 'Create & Download' and wait until it's done
- Switch to [IOT] page
- Enable 'Single Download', set Address with 0xD2000, choose [PATH to whole_image_linux.bin]
- Click 'Create & Download' again and wait until it's done
Press and release RESET button, E907 will output log by IO14(TX)/IO15(RX) and C906 by IO5(RX)/IO8(TX)
- Add Wi-Fi support.