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Shield Prometheus Exporter Build Status

A Prometheus exporter for Shield. Please refer to the FAQ for general questions about this exporter.

Architecture overview



Download the already existing binaries for your platform:

$ ./shield_exporter <flags>

From source

Using the standard go install (you must have Go already installed in your local machine):

$ go install
$ shield_exporter <flags>


To run the shield exporter as a Docker container, run:

docker run -p 9179:9179 boshprometheus/shield-exporter <flags>

Cloud Foundry

The exporter can be deployed to an already existing Cloud Foundry environment:

$ git clone
$ cd shield_exporter

Modify the included application manifest file to include your Shield properties. Then you can push the exporter to your Cloud Foundry environment:

$ cf push


This exporter can be deployed using the Prometheus BOSH Release.



Flag / Environment Variable Required Default Description
Yes Shield Backend URL [1]
Yes Shield Username
Yes Shield Password
No Comma separated collectors to filter. If not set, all collectors will be enabled (Archives, Jobs, RetentionPolicies, Schedules, Status, Stores, Targets, Tasks)
No shield Metrics Namespace
Yes Environment label to be attached to metrics
No :9179 Address to listen on for web interface and telemetry
No /metrics Path under which to expose Prometheus metrics
No Username for web interface basic auth
No Password for web interface basic auth
No Path to a file that contains the TLS certificate (PEM format). If the certificate is signed by a certificate authority, the file should be the concatenation of the server's certificate, any intermediates, and the CA's certificate
No Path to a file that contains the TLS private key (PEM format)

[1] If your Shield backend uses a self signed certificate, set the SHIELD_SKIP_SSL_VERIFY environment variable to true to skip the SSL verification.


The exporter returns the following Archives metrics:

Metric Description Labels
metrics.namespace_archives_total Labeled total number of Shield Archives environment, backend_name, archive_status, store_plugin, target_plugin
metrics.namespace_archives_scrapes_total Total number of scrapes for Shield Archives environment, backend_name
metrics.namespace_archives_scrape_errors_total Total number of scrape errors of Shield Archives environment, backend_name
metrics.namespace_last_archives_scrape_error Whether the last scrape of Archive metrics from Shield resulted in an error (1 for error, 0 for success) environment, backend_name
metrics.namespace_last_archives_scrape_timestamp Number of seconds since 1970 since last scrape of Archive metrics from Shield environment, backend_name
metrics.namespace_last_archives_scrape_duration_seconds Duration of the last scrape of Archive metrics from Shield environment, backend_name

The exporter returns the following Jobs metrics:

Metric Description Labels
metrics.namespace_job_last_run Number of seconds since 1970 since last run of a Shield Job environment, backend_name, job_name
metrics.namespace_job_next_run Number of seconds since 1970 until next run of a Shield Job environment, backend_name, job_name
metrics.namespace_job_status Shield Job status (0 for unknow, 1 for pending, 2 for running, 3 for canceled, 4 for failed, 5 for done) environment, backend_name, job_name
metrics.namespace_job_pause Shield Job pause status (1 for paused, 0 for unpaused) environment, backend_name, job_name
metrics.namespace_jobs_total Labeled total number of Shield Jobs environment, backend_name, job_paused, store_plugin, target_plugin
metrics.namespace_jobs_scrapes_total Total number of scrapes for Shield Jobs environment, backend_name
metrics.namespace_jobs_scrape_errors_total Total number of scrape errors of Shield Jobs environment, backend_name
metrics.namespace_last_jobs_scrape_error Whether the last scrape of Job metrics from Shield resulted in an error (1 for error, 0 for success) environment, backend_name
metrics.namespace_last_jobs_scrape_timestamp Number of seconds since 1970 since last scrape of Job metrics from Shield environment, backend_name
metrics.namespace_last_jobs_scrape_duration_seconds Duration of the last scrape of Job metrics from Shield environment, backend_name

The exporter returns the following Retention Policies metrics:

Metric Description Labels
metrics.namespace_retention_policies_total Total number of Shield Retention Policies environment, backend_name
metrics.namespace_retention_policies_scrapes_total Total number of scrapes for Shield Retention Policies environment, backend_name
metrics.namespace_retention_policies_scrape_errors_total Total number of scrape errors of Shield Retention Policies environment, backend_name
metrics.namespace_last_retention_policies_scrape_error Whether the last scrape of Retention Policies metrics from Shield resulted in an error (1 for error, 0 for success) environment, backend_name
metrics.namespace_last_retention_policies_scrape_timestamp Number of seconds since 1970 since last scrape of Retention Policies metrics from Shield environment, backend_name
metrics.namespace_last_retention_policies_scrape_duration_seconds Duration of the last scrape of Retention Policies metrics from Shield environment, backend_name

The exporter returns the following Schedules metrics:

Metric Description Labels
metrics.namespace_schedules_total Total number of Shield Schedules environment, backend_name
metrics.namespace_schedules_scrapes_total Total number of scrapes for Shield Schedules environment, backend_name
metrics.namespace_schedules_scrape_errors_total Total number of scrape errors of Shield Schedules environment, backend_name
metrics.namespace_last_schedules_scrape_error Whether the last scrape of Schedule metrics from Shield resulted in an error (1 for error, 0 for success) environment, backend_name
metrics.namespace_last_schedules_scrape_timestamp Number of seconds since 1970 since last scrape of Schedule metrics from Shield environment, backend_name
metrics.namespace_last_schedules_scrape_duration_seconds Duration of the last scrape of Schedule metrics from Shield environment, backend_name

The exporter returns the following Status metrics:

Metric Description Labels
metrics.namespace_status_pending_tasks_total Total number of Shield pending Tasks environment, backend_name
metrics.namespace_status_running_tasks_total Total number of Shield running Tasks environment, backend_name
metrics.namespace_status_schedule_queue_total Total number of Shield Tasks in the supervisor scheduler queue environment, backend_name
metrics.namespace_status_run_queue_total Total number of Shield Tasks in the supervisor run queue environment, backend_name
metrics.namespace_status_scrapes_total Total number of scrapes for Shield Status environment, backend_name
metrics.namespace_status_scrape_errors_total Total number of scrape errors of Shield Status environment, backend_name
metrics.namespace_last_status_scrape_error Whether the last scrape of Status metrics from Shield resulted in an error (1 for error, 0 for success) environment, backend_name
metrics.namespace_last_status_scrape_timestamp Number of seconds since 1970 since last scrape of Status metrics from Shield environment, backend_name
metrics.namespace_last_status_scrape_duration_seconds Duration of the last scrape of Status metrics from Shield environment, backend_name

The exporter returns the following Stores metrics:

Metric Description Labels
metrics.namespace_stores_total Labeled total number of Shield Stores environment, backend_name, store_plugin
metrics.namespace_stores_scrapes_total Total number of scrapes for Shield Stores environment, backend_name
metrics.namespace_stores_scrape_errors_total Total number of scrape errors of Shield Stores environment, backend_name
metrics.namespace_last_stores_scrape_error Whether the last scrape of Store metrics from Shield resulted in an error (1 for error, 0 for success) environment, backend_name
metrics.namespace_last_stores_scrape_timestamp Number of seconds since 1970 since last scrape of Store metrics from Shield environment, backend_name
metrics.namespace_last_stores_scrape_duration_seconds Duration of the last scrape of Store metrics from Shield environment, backend_name

The exporter returns the following Targets metrics:

Metric Description Labels
metrics.namespace_targets_total Labeled total number of Shield Targets environment, backend_name, target_plugin
metrics.namespace_targets_scrapes_total Total number of scrapes for Shield Targets environment, backend_name
metrics.namespace_targets_scrape_errors_total Total number of scrape errors of Shield Targets environment, backend_name
metrics.namespace_last_targets_scrape_error Whether the last scrape of Target metrics from Shield resulted in an error (1 for error, 0 for success) environment, backend_name
metrics.namespace_last_targets_scrape_timestamp Number of seconds since 1970 since last scrape of Target metrics from Shield environment, backend_name
metrics.namespace_last_targets_scrape_duration_seconds Duration of the last scrape of Target metrics from Shield environment, backend_name

The exporter returns the following Tasks metrics:

Metric Description Labels
metrics.namespace_tasks_total Labeled total number of Shield Tasks environment, backend_name, task_operation, task_status
metrics.namespace_tasks_duration_seconds Labeled summary of Shield Task durations in seconds environment, backend_name, task_operation, task_status
metrics.namespace_tasks_scrapes_total Total number of scrapes for Shield Tasks environment, backend_name
metrics.namespace_tasks_scrape_errors_total Total number of scrape errors of Shield Tasks environment, backend_name
metrics.namespace_last_tasks_scrape_error Whether the last scrape of Task metrics from Shield resulted in an error (1 for error, 0 for success) environment, backend_name
metrics.namespace_last_tasks_scrape_timestamp Number of seconds since 1970 since last scrape of Task metrics from Shield environment, backend_name
metrics.namespace_last_tasks_scrape_duration_seconds Duration of the last scrape of Task metrics from Shield environment, backend_name


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Apache License 2.0, see LICENSE.