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License: AGPL v3 Code style: ruff

This repo provides details regarding $\texttt{causalAssembly}$, a causal discovery benchmark data tool based on complex production data. Theoretical details and information regarding construction are presented in the paper:

Göbler, K., Windisch, T., Pychynski, T., Sonntag, S., Roth, M., & Drton, M. causalAssembly: Generating Realistic Production Data for Benchmarking Causal Discovery, to appear in Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Causal Learning and Reasoning (CLeaR), 2024, 


Maintainer: Konstantin Goebler

Table of contents

The package can be installed as follows

pip install causalAssembly

This is how $\texttt{causalAssembly}$'s functionality may be used. Be sure to read the documentation for more in-depth details regarding available functions and classes.

In case you want to train a distributional random forests yourself (see how to semisynthetsize), you need an R installation as well as the corresponding drf R package. Sampling has first been proposed in [2].

Note: For Windows users the python package rpy2 might cause issues. Please consult their issue tracker on GitHub.

In order to sample semisynthetic data from $\texttt{causalAssembly}$, consider the following example:

import pandas as pd

from causalAssembly.models_dag import ProductionLineGraph
from causalAssembly.drf_fitting import fit_drf

seed = 2023
n_select = 500

assembly_line_data = ProductionLineGraph.get_data()

# take subsample for demonstration purposes
assembly_line_data = assembly_line_data.sample(
    n_select, random_state=seed, replace=False

# load in ground truth
assembly_line = ProductionLineGraph.get_ground_truth()

# fit drf and sample for entire line
assembly_line.drf = fit_drf(assembly_line, data=assembly_line_data)
assembly_line_sample = assembly_line.sample_from_drf(size=n_select)

# fit drf and sample for station3
assembly_line.Station3.drf = fit_drf(assembly_line.Station3, data=assembly_line_data)
station3_sample = assembly_line.Station3.sample_from_drf(size=n_select)

In case you want to create interventional data, we currently support hard and soft interventions. For soft interventions we use sympy's RandomSymbol class. Essentially, soft interventions should be declared by choosing your preferred random variable with associated distribution from here. Simple examples include:

from sympy.stats import Beta, Normal, Uniform

x = Beta("x", 1, 1)
y = Normal("y", 0, 1)
z = Uniform("z", 0, 1)

The following example is similar to the basic use example above where we now intervene on two nodes in the graph.

from sympy.stats import Beta

from causalAssembly.drf_fitting import fit_drf
from causalAssembly.models_dag import ProductionLineGraph

seed = 2023
n_select = 500

assembly_line_data = ProductionLineGraph.get_data()

# take subsample for demonstration purposes
assembly_line_data = assembly_line_data.sample(n_select, random_state=seed, replace=False)

# load in ground truth
assembly_line = ProductionLineGraph.get_ground_truth()

# fit drf and sample for entire line
assembly_line.drf = fit_drf(assembly_line, data=assembly_line_data)

# intervene on two nodes in the assembly line
    nodes_values={"Station3_mp_41": 2, "Station4_mp_58": Beta("noise", 1, 1)}

# sample from the corresponding interventional distribution
my_int_df = assembly_line.sample_from_interventional_drf(size=5)

print(my_int_df[["Station3_mp_41", "Station4_mp_58"]])

Note that intervening does not alter any of the functionalities introduced above. The interevened upon DAGs are stored in mutilated_dags. When calling sample_from_drf() the ground truth DAG as described in the paper is used. To sample from the interventional distribution, you must use sample_from_interventional_drf.

In order to generate semisynthetic data for data sources outside the manufacturing context, the class DAG may be used. We showcase all necessary steps in the example below using the well-known Sachs [3] dataset. Note, that the cdt package is only needed to get easy access to data and corresponding ground truth.

import networkx as nx
from import load_dataset

from causalAssembly.dag import DAG
from causalAssembly.drf_fitting import fit_drf

# load data set and available ground truth
s_data, s_graph = load_dataset("sachs")

# take subset for faster computation
s_data = s_data.sample(100, random_state=42)

cycles = nx.find_cycle(s_graph)

if nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph(s_graph):
    # convert to DAG instance
    sachs_dag = DAG.from_nx(s_graph)

    # fit DRF to the conditional distributions implied by
    # the factorization over <s_graph>
    sachs_dag.drf = fit_drf(graph=sachs_dag, data=s_data)

    # sample new data from the trained DRFs
    dream_benchmark_data = sachs_dag.sample_from_drf(size=50)

The ProductionLineGraph class can further be used to generate completely random DAGs that follow an assembly line logic. Consider the following example:

from causalAssembly.models_dag import ProductionLineGraph

example_line = ProductionLineGraph()



example_line.new_cell(name='Station3', is_eol= True)

example_line.connect_cells(forward_probs= [.1])

$\texttt{causalAssembly}$ also allows creating structural causal models (SCM) or synonymously functional causal models (FCM). In particular, we employ symbolic programming to allow for a seamless interplay between readability and performance. The FCM class is completely general and inherits no production data logic. See the example below for construction and usage.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sympy import Eq, Symbol, symbols
from sympy.stats import Gamma, Normal, Uniform, Exponential
from causalAssembly.models_fcm import FCM

# declare variables in FCM as symbols
v, w, x, y, z = symbols("v,w,x,y,z")
# declare symbol for the variance of a Gaussian
delta = Symbol("delta", positive=True)

# Set up FCM
# name for the noise terms is required but mainly for readability
# it gets evaluated equation-by-equation. Therefore repeating names is completely fine.
eq_x = Eq(x, Exponential("source_distribution", 0.5))
eq_v = Eq(v, Gamma("source_distribution", 1, 1))
eq_y = Eq(y, 2 * x**2 - 7 * v + Normal("error", 0, delta))
eq_z = Eq(z, 9 * y * x * Gamma("noise", 0.5, 1))
eq_w = Eq(w, 7 * v - z + Uniform("error", left=-0.5, right=0.5))

# Collect in a list
eq_list = [eq_v, eq_w, eq_x, eq_y, eq_z]

# Create instance
test_fcm = FCM()
# Input list of equations this automatically
# induces the DAG etc.

# There is an option to use real data for source node samples
source_df = pd.DataFrame(
        "v": np.random.uniform(low=-0.1, high=0.71, size=10),

# Sample from joint distribution

print(test_fcm.sample(size=8, source_df=source_df))"No Intervention")

# Multiple hard and soft interventions:
test_fcm.intervene_on(nodes_values={z: 2, w: Normal("noise", 3, 1)})

print(test_fcm.interventional_sample(size=8, source_df=source_df))

# Some plotting


[1] Ćevid, D., Michel, L., Näf, J., Bühlmann, P., & Meinshausen, N. (2022). Distributional Random Forests: Heterogeneity Adjustment and Multivariate Distributional Regression. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 23(333), 1-79.

[2] Gamella, J.L, Taeb, A., Heinze-Deml, C., & Bühlmann, P. (2022). Characterization and greedy learning of Gaussian structural causal models under unknown noise interventions. arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.14897, 2022.

[3] Sachs, K., Perez, O., Pe'er, D., Lauffenburger, D. A., & Nolan, G. P. (2005). Causal protein-signaling networks derived from multiparameter single-cell data. Science, 308(5721), 523-529.

In general we use pytest and the test suite can be executed locally via

python -m pytest

Please feel free to contact one of the authors in case you wish to contribute.

Runtime dependencies

Name License Type
numpy BSD-3-Clause License Dependency
scipy BSD-3-Clause License Dependency
pandas BSD 3-Clause License Dependency
networkx BSD-3-Clause License Dependency
matplotlib Other Dependency
sympy BSD-3-Clause License Dependency
rpy2 GNU General Public License v2.0 Dependency

Development dependency

Name License Type
mike BSD-3-Clause License Dependency
mkdocs BSD-2-Clause License Dependency
mkdocs-material MIT License Dependency
mkdocstrings[python] ISC License Dependency
ruff MIT License Dependency
pytest MIT License Dependency
pip-tools BSD 3-Clause License Dependency