Paper location:
Data etc.: ,
On RG:
If you are using this code for research purposes, please quote this article. If to any of the others, give the coffee to the author (
You need a SymshellLight library for building this project.
It is expected in ../../public/SymShellLight
in relation to CMakeLists.txt
You need to edit such file apropriatelly, if source code of the SymShellLight
is in diferent location.
./honor -help
- graphics options
./honor HELP
- model options
- run the model with default settings
./honor <list of options>
- run the model with particular settings
q - q-uit or ESC
n - n-ext MC step
p - p-ause simulation
r - r-un simulation
b - save screen to B-MP
d - d-ump on every visualisation
1..0 visualisation frequency
c - swich c-onsole on/off
s - visualise s-hort links
f - visualise f-ar links
a - visualise a-gents
e - visualise d-e-cisions
u - visualise rep-u-tations
mouse left or right - means inspection
ENTER - replot screen