Sublime Text plugin for Evernote.
This package is based on SublimeEvernote for ST2 but is only supported on ST3 and adds many new features.
To start using it install it from Package Control and type "Evernote" on the Command Palette (ctrl+shift+p). See First Use for linking the plugin to your account.
If you like this plugin and would like to support its development please consider donating through a paypal donation or using gratipay.
- Send a note to Evernote: converts the markdown document in the current view into rich text and sends it to your Evernote. You will be able to choose a title, tags and the notebook where to store it.
- Open a note from Evernote: shows panels to choose a note from a notebook or by searching, converts the note to markdown and presents it in a view.
- Update note: when editing the markdown of an opened note you can save it back to Evernote (again in rich text). You can also delete a note directly from ST.
- Full two-way metadata support: you can set and change the note's title, notebook and tag just by providing a YAML metadata header in your markdown source.
- Attachments: can insert, list, delete and open attachments.
- Clip to note: saves the current selection as code snippets to a new note.
See Commands and the wiki for details.
- Fix: patching Evernote's SDK to fix an issue due to undocumented changes in API (fixes #216)
- Fix: patching Evernote's SDK to make it compatible with ST 3126 on Linux (fixes #150)
See the Changelog for the full list.
The Evernote plugin can be installed using Package Control. See the wiki for detailed instructions.
Evernote decided to disable issuing new developer tokens for some users (with no official reasons). This means that the following method may not work for you: the webpage you are redirected to would say developer tokens are disabled. In that case you will have to contact the Evernote customer service/issue a ticket to get developer tokens activated for your account. After they activate you, you can follow the normal procedure to configure the plugin.
When you first run this package from the command palette, it will launch a browser window with your Evernote developer token. Copy the token and paste it into the prompt at the bottom of your Sublime window. Sublime will store the authentication data in Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/Evernote.sublime-settings
If you need to reconfigure the plugin go to Preferences > Package Settings > Evernote
and select Reconfigure Authorisation
or go to
Command Palette
> Evernote: Reconfigure
The authentication method makes use of the Developer Token which is unique to your account and grants read-write access to your Evernote. This token will be saved in your user settings in the
file so make sure you do not share this publicly!
You may encounter problems in using the plugin. Issues can be posted at the github repository.
Before posting a new issue:
- Enable the
setting in yourEvernote.sublime-settings
file and try again. If the problem persists take a note of the output in the console. Make sure you delete personal information (e.g. Developer Token) from the output before posting it in an issue. - Check the wiki
- Search for similar issues here
The plugin does not install keymaps, if you wish you may add a variation of the following to your user keymaps:
{ "keys": ["super+e"], "command": "show_overlay", "args": {"overlay": "command_palette", "text": "Evernote: "} },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+e", "ctrl+s"], "command": "send_to_evernote" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+e", "ctrl+o"], "command": "open_evernote_note" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+e", "ctrl+u"], "command": "save_evernote_note" },
you can also overwrite the standard "save" bindings for Evernote notes as follows:
{ "keys": ["ctrl+s"], "command": "save_evernote_note", "context": [{"key": "evernote_note"}, {"key": "evernote_has_guid"}] },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+s"], "command": "send_to_evernote", "context": [{"key": "evernote_note"}, {"key": "evernote_has_guid", "operator": "equal", "operand": false}] },
you would still be able to save the note as a file by using the File > Save
You can also restrict your bindings to views showing Evernote notes by adding
"context": [{"key": "evernote_note"}]
Command Palette
> Evernote: Send to Evernote
This will create a new note containing the HTML version of the markdown code of your active view. You will be able to specify the title, tags and notebook either from panels or with a metadata block (see below)
Command Palette
> Evernote: Open Evernote Note
This will open a panel from which you can select a notebook and a note in it. The selected note will be converted in markdown format and opened in a view. This command only handles the main contents of the note and ignores the attachments, but existing attachments will be left as they are.
For more details about the parameters of this command see the wiki.
Command Palette
> Evernote: Search Note
You will be presented with a prompt where you can write a query in the Evernote query language documented here. A panel will show the search results from which you can select a note. The selected note will be converted in markdown format and opened in a view.
For more details about the parameters of this command see the wiki.
Command Palette
> Evernote: Update Evernote Note
When the current view is associated with an Evernote note (maybe because you just sent it to Evernote or because it is an opened note) you can update the note with this command. The metadata will be updated according to the metadata block and attachments stored in the original Evernote note will be left alone.
Command Palette
> Evernote: Revert to version on Evernote
When the current view is associated with an Evernote note you can replace its contents by the contents of the note stored on the Evernote server.
Command Palette
> Evernote: Delete Note
When the current view is associated with an Evernote note this command moves it to Evernote's Trash.
Command Palette
> Evernote: Attach current file to a note
This will open a palette from which you can select a notebook and a note in it. The currently opened file will then be attached to the selected note. Existing attachments of the selected note will remain untouched.
Command Palette
> Evernote: Insert Attachment Here
Asks for a path or URL and inserts it as an attachment to the current note. If an URL is provided, the file would be downloaded and uploaded to Evernote. Please Note: for the time being Sublime Text will freeze during the download/upload operation for large files. Just wait until the transfer is complete.
Command Palette
> Evernote: Show Attachments
The command will open a palette listing all the attachments of the current note. If one is selected it will be downloaded and displayed. The download will be done asynchronously as it may take some time for heavy files.
Command Palette
> Evernote: Delete Attachment
The command will open a palette listing all the attachments of the current note. If one is selected it will be deleted from the note's contents and from its attachments.
Command Palette
> Evernote: Clip to Evernote as a new note
This command will take the current selections, format them as highlighted code snippets, put them in a new note, letting you choose its title, tags and notebook.
Command Palette
> Evernote: List linked notes
This command shows a list of links to notes present in the currently opened note, if any. Selecting an item in the list will open the note in a new view.
Command Palette
> Evernote: Insert link to a note
Lets you select a note and inserts a link to it in the currently opened one.
Command Palette
> Evernote: View note in WebApp
This command will open the currently opened note in Evernote's WebApp in a browser. From there you can view it, share it or continuing editing it from the WebApp's editor. You may need to login before being able to view the note.
Command Palette
> Evernote: View note in Evernote client
This command will open the currently opened note in your local Evernote client, if installed.
You can use Markdown to write notes but there are some limitations due to Evernote's formats. For example, class
and id
are forbidden attributes in Evernote notes so the Markdown converter has been modified to never output them and raw HTML cannot contain them. If you write illegal content the plugin will display a dialog showing the reason why Evernote is complaining.
Please see the wiki documentation for more details.
A markdown source can start with a metadata block like the following:
title: My Note's Title
tags: misc, sublime
notebook: My Notebook
When sending or updating the note, the plugin will extract this metadata and set/change it accordingly. When such header is incomplete or missing, when sending the note to Evernote the plugin will ask for input for the missing fields.
The tags
field can be an unquoted list or a json list such as ["my long tag", "tag2"]
If the evernote_autocomplete
is true, the list of notebooks and tags will be offered as autocompletion in the metadata block.
PLEASE NOTE: the format for the metadata is currently rather restricted and it is just a small subset of YAML. The only recognised keys are title
, tags
and notebook
, the others will be ignored and can be discarded (for example if you edit the note from other clients).
While equations are not natively supported by Evernote, you can embed them as images. The Insert Equation plugin can be used to ease their insertion into your Markdown note.
The Evernote.sublime-settings
can be accessed from Preferences > Package Settings > Evernote
The two settings token
and noteStoreUrl
are set by the plugin in the first use.
The following settings can be customised:
Setting | Purpose |
md_syntax |
a string pointing to a tmLanguage file which you want to associate with notes opened from Evernote. |
inline_css |
a dictionary associating some HTML element names to inline CSS styles; this setting is documented in the wiki. The markdown of a note can contain (almost) arbitrary HTML blocks but Evernote only accepts a subset of the elements and attributes (class and id are disallowed). See here for details. |
code_highlighting_style |
a pygments style among autumn , default , github , monokai , perldoc , vim , borland , emacs , igor , murphy , rrt , vs , bw , friendly , native , tango , xcode , colorful , fruity , manni , pastie , trac . |
code_friendly |
if true the code-friendly extra of markdown2 is enabled |
evernote_autocomplete |
when this setting is true, suggestions will be offered for autocompletion of the notebook and tags fields in metadata. Default is true. |
emphasis_mark |
when converting from HTML to markdown, use this as emphasis markup. Valid values are "*" or "_" (default). It is set to "*" when code_friendly is true. |
strong_mark |
when converting from HTML to markdown, use this as emphasis markup. Valid values are "__" or "**" (default) |
item_mark |
when converting from HTML to markdown, use this as unordered list item markup. Valid values are "+" , "-" or "*" (default) |
notes_order |
how to sort the notes in the panels; possible values: created , updated , relevance , update_sequence_number , title . Set the notes_order_ascending setting to true to reverse the selected order. |
max_notes |
maximum number of notes in a panel; default is 100. |
update_on_save |
when this setting is true, saving a file containing a note will also update (overwriting it) the online version. Default is false. |
sort_notebooks |
sorts notebooks alphabetically in palette |
show_stacks |
shows the stack of notebooks in palette |
open_single_result |
when a search returns only one note open it directly skipping the results palette (defaults to true ) |
warn_on_close |
when closing a modified note without saving to Evernote, offer a choice to save or discard changes (defaults to true ) |
gfm_tables |
enable GFM table syntax (default true ) |
default_template |
a file with a Markdown template for new notes (example: "Packages/User/" ) |
tab_prefix |
a string used as a prefix in tabs for notes (default "Evernote: " ) |
wiki_tables |
enable Wiki table syntax (default false ) |
debug |
enables logging in the console |
The current maintainer is bordaigorl.
If you like this plugin and would like to support its development please consider donating through a paypal donation or using gratipay.
If you would like to contribute, please see CONTRIBUTING.
The plugin has been made possible by the contribution of several people:
- Current maintainer and new features: bordaigorl
- Original ST2 Plugin: jamiesun
- Port to ST3:
- Other contributors: 358463121, rahul-ramadas, mwcraig, rayou, dimfeld, paki, zsytssk, metalbrick, danielfrg, avcreation, AntonPalich, pimlock, ranmocy.
If you think your name should be here, let us know!
Also thanks to our first donor, Matthew Baltrusitis!
Libraries (some adapted to work with Evernote formats):
- Markdown2 converter: trentm
- HTML2Markdown: Aaron Swartz
- Evernote API: