This sketch makes it possible to control the digital outputs of the Arduino Yun connected to a network without having to know the Yun IP number or having to do any port forwarding settings on the router the yun is connected to. This is possible by using the yaler service (
As a bonus you can also read the analog inputs
A full tutorial can be found at
register a yaler account at and note your yaler relay domain.
Change the relay domain definition in this sketch (#define RELAYDOMAIN gsiot-...) to your domain
start terminal on mac or equivalent on pc
change direcory to the folder where is located with something like
cd /Users/username/some/folder/somewhere
copy to Yun with
scp -r ./ root@arduino.local:/usr/lib/python2.7/bridge
enter arduino password when prompted
Note: change arduino.local to theNameOfYourArduino.local if you have changed the name. You can also change to the IP of your Arduino Yun.
Optional: You can test from the Yun command line if you like: connect to Yun from terminal with ssh: ssh root@arduino.local
enter arduino password when prompted
change directory on the yun with
cd /usr/lib/python2.7/bridge
start with
python your-relay-domain nobridge
nobridge means that there is no bridge communication between the two processors on the Yun
You can now connect from anywhere with any webbrowser with and Yun should give some response in the ssh terminal
download this sketch to the Arduino (you must have changed the relaydomain definition to your domain first). Also set the DEBUG definition to either true or false. true requires serial monitor to be opened
wait until the led 13 has stopped blinkning (ca 2 minutes)
NOTE1: it will blink fast (5 times a second) for 1 minute, stop blinkning for some seconds and start blinking slow (once a second) for another minute
NOTE2: if debug=true there will be no delay. Instead led 13 will blink very fast until the serial monitor is opened
Test it!
set D13 to HIGH (turn built in led on) with
set D13 to LOW (turn built in led off) with
read D13 state with
read analog input A4 with