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Operator overloading benchmarks

rollynoel edited this page Jun 18, 2013 · 7 revisions

Added by Bill Wood

This is a benchmark of operator overloading in boo.

Benchmarks are shown for boo without operator overloading, boo with function calls in place of arithmetic operators, boo with operator overloading using a simple struct called "myNum", boo with operator overloading using a class instead of a struct, boo "duck-typed" operators, and Python (without operator overloading). The benchmark computes a piece of the Mandelbrot set. The times to complete the benchmark on a 1.7GHz Pentium M IBM T41p running Windows XP Professional SP1:

Benchmark Normalized time Actual time (secs)
boo - no overloaded operators 1 0.35
boo - function calls 3 1.07
boo - overloaded operators (struct version) 16 5.45
boo - overloaded operators (class version) 17-20 5.8 - 7
ActivePython 2.3.2 74 25.75
boo - duck operators 189 66

At its best the class version is only marginally slower than the struct version. However, the variability of the class-based version was much higher, sometimes it took up to 7 seconds to run, presumably because garbage collection kicked in. 190,917,418 myNum objects were created while running the class-based version. Only 129,586 myNums were created while running the struct-based version. Its surprising how much overhead the struct "copy semantics" incurs - the struct version is 5 times slower than the function calls version.

The benchmark code is reproduced below for [normal operators](#normal operators), [function calls](#function calls), [overloaded operators - struct version](#overloaded operators - struct version), [overloaded operators - class version](#overloaded operators - class version), [duck operators](#duck operators) , and Python. The benchmark computes a square of the Mandelbrot set 250 by 250 pixels wide.

**Normal version (no overloading)** ```boo /* boo unoverloaded version - Mandelbrot Benchmark by Bill Wood */

def mb_d(xl as double, xs as double, yl as double, ys as double, ix as int, iyl as int, iyh as int, r as double, iterations as int, buf as (short)):

bp = 0
for iy in range(iyl, iyh):
    cx = xl + ix * xs
    ci = yl + iy * ys
    rx2 = ri2 = rx = ri = 0.0
    count = 0
    while ((rx2 + ri2) <= r) and (count < iterations):
        ri = (rx + rx) * ri + ci
        rx = rx2 - ri2 + cx
        rx2 = rx * rx
        ri2 = ri * ri
        count += 1
    if (rx2 + ri2 > r) and (count <= iterations):
        buf[bp] = count
        bp += 1
        buf[bp] = 0
        bp += 1

def main(argv as (string)):

xl = -0.74526593488600
yl = 0.11303858131900
xh = -0.74525997120900
yh = 0.11304454499600
r = 4.0

size = int.Parse(argv[0])
iterations = int.Parse(argv[1])
print ("size = $size, iterations = $iterations")

buf = array(short, size)
xs = (xh - xl) / (size - 1)
ys = (yh - yl) / (size - 1)

start = date.Now
for ix in range(0, size):
    mb_d(xl, xs, yl, ys, ix, 0, size, r, iterations, buf)
elapsed = date.Now.Subtract(start)
print ("Boo elapsed time = $elapsed")
for i in buf:
    System.Console.Write(i + " ")

main(("250", "1000"))

<a name="function calls"/>
**Function calls version**
  boo myNum function calls version - Mandelbrot Benchmark by Bill Wood

def op_Multiply(x as double, j as int):
	return x*j
def op_Multiply(x as double, y as double):
	return x*y
def op_Division(x as double, y as double):
	return x/y
def op_Addition(x as double, j as int):
	return x + j
def op_Addition(x as double, y as double):
	return x + y
def op_Subtraction(x as double, j as int):
	return x - j
def op_Subtraction(x as double, y as double):
	return x - y
def op_GreaterThan(x as double, y as double):
	return x > y
def op_LessThan(x as double, y as double):
	return x < y
def op_LessThanOrEqual(x as double, y as double):
	return x <= y

def mb_d(xl as double, xs as double, yl as double, ys as double, ix as int,\
		iyl as int, iyh as int, r as double, iterations as int, buf as (short)):
	bp = 0
	iy = iyl
	while op_LessThan(iy, iyh):
		cx = op_Addition(xl, op_Multiply(ix, xs))
		ci = op_Addition(yl, op_Multiply(iy, ys))
		rx2 = ri2 = rx = ri = 0.0
		count = 0
		while (op_LessThanOrEqual(op_Addition(rx2, ri2), r) and op_LessThan(count, iterations)):
			ri = op_Addition(op_Multiply(op_Addition(rx, rx), ri), ci)
			rx = op_Addition(op_Subtraction(rx2, ri2), cx)
			rx2 = op_Multiply(rx, rx)
			ri2 = op_Multiply(ri, ri)
			count = op_Addition(count, 1)
		if (op_GreaterThan(op_Addition(rx2, ri2), r) and op_LessThanOrEqual(count, iterations)):
			buf[bp] = count
			bp = op_Addition(bp, 1)
			buf[bp] = 0
			bp = op_Addition(bp, 1)
		iy = op_Addition(iy, 1)

def main(argv as (System.String)):
	xl = -0.74526593489
	yl = 0.11303858132
	xh = -0.74525997121
	yh = 0.113044545
	r = 4.0
	size = int.Parse(argv[0])
	iterations = int.Parse(argv[1])

	print("size = $size, iterations = $iterations")
	buf = array(short, size)
	xs = op_Division(op_Subtraction(xh, xl), op_Subtraction(size, 1))
	ys = op_Division(op_Subtraction(yh, yl), op_Subtraction(size, 1))

	start = date.Now
	ix = 0
	while op_LessThan(ix, size):
		mb_d(xl, xs, yl, ys, ix, 0, size, r, iterations, buf)
		ix = op_Addition(ix, 1)
	elapsed = date.Now - start
	print ("Boo elapsed time = $elapsed")
	for i in buf:
		System.Console.Write(i + " ")

main(("250", "1000"))
**Overloaded operators struct version** ```boo /* boo myNum struct version - Mandelbrot Benchmark by Bill Wood */

struct myNum: public static n as int public i as double def constructor(j as int): i = j ++n def constructor(y as double): i = y ++n def constructor(x as myNum): i = x.i ++n static def op_Multiply(x as myNum, j as int): x.i = x.i * j return x static def op_Multiply(x as myNum, y as myNum): x.i = x.i * y.i return x static def op_Division(x as myNum, y as myNum): x.i = x.i / y.i return x static def op_Addition(x as myNum, j as int): x.i = x.i + j return x static def op_Addition(x as myNum, y as myNum): x.i = x.i + y.i return x static def op_Subtraction(x as myNum, j as int): x.i = x.i - j return x static def op_Subtraction(x as myNum, y as myNum): x.i = x.i - y.i return x static def op_GreaterThan(x as myNum, y as myNum): return x.i > y.i static def op_LessThan(x as myNum, y as myNum): return x.i < y.i static def op_LessThanOrEqual(x as myNum, y as myNum): return x.i <= y.i def ToString(): return i.ToString()

def mb_d(xl as myNum, xs as myNum, yl as myNum, ys as myNum, ix as myNum,
iyl as myNum, iyh as myNum, r as myNum, iterations as myNum, buf as (myNum)):

bp = myNum(0)
iy = iyl
while iy < iyh:
    cx = xl + ix * xs
    ci = yl + iy * ys
    rx2 = ri2 = rx = ri = myNum(0)
    count = myNum(0)
    while ((rx2 + ri2) <= r) and (count < iterations):
        ri = (rx + rx) * ri + ci
        rx = rx2 - ri2 + cx
        rx2 = rx * rx
        ri2 = ri * ri
        count += 1
    if (rx2 + ri2 > r) and (count <= iterations):
        buf[bp.i] = count
        bp += 1
        buf[bp.i] = myNum(0)
        bp += 1
    iy += 1

def main(argv as (string)):

xl = myNum(-0.74526593488600)
yl = myNum(0.11303858131900)
xh = myNum(-0.74525997120900)
yh = myNum(0.11304454499600)
r = myNum(4.0)

size = myNum(int.Parse(argv[0]))
iterations = myNum(int.Parse(argv[1]))
print ("size = $(size.i), iterations = $(iterations.i)")

buf = array(myNum, size.i)
xs = (xh - xl) / (size - 1)
ys = (yh - yl) / (size - 1)

start = date.Now
ix = myNum(0)
while ix < size:
    mb_d(xl, xs, yl, ys, ix, myNum(0), size, r, iterations, buf)
    ix += 1
elapsed = date.Now.Subtract(start)
print ("Boo elapsed time = $elapsed")
for i in buf:
    System.Console.Write(i + " ")
print myNum.n, "myNums created"

main(("250", "1000"))

<a name="overloaded operators - class version"/>
**Overloaded operators class version**
  boo myNum version - Mandelbrot Benchmark by Bill Wood
class myNum:
	public static n as int
	public i as double
	def constructor(j as int):
		i = j
	def constructor(y as double):
		i = y
	def constructor(x as myNum):
		i = x.i
	static def op_Multiply(x as myNum, j as int):
		return myNum(x.i * j)
	static def op_Multiply(x as myNum, y as myNum):
		return myNum(x.i * y.i)
	static def op_Division(x as myNum, y as myNum):
		return myNum(x.i / y.i)
	static def op_Addition(x as myNum, j as int):
		return myNum(x.i + j)
	static def op_Addition(x as myNum, y as myNum):
		return myNum(x.i + y.i)
	static def op_Subtraction(x as myNum, j as int):
		return myNum(x.i - j)
	static def op_Subtraction(x as myNum, y as myNum):
		return myNum(x.i - y.i)
	static def op_GreaterThan(x as myNum, y as myNum):
		return x.i > y.i
	static def op_LessThan(x as myNum, y as myNum):
		return x.i < y.i
	static def op_LessThanOrEqual(x as myNum, y as myNum):
		return x.i <= y.i
	def ToString():
		return i.ToString()

def mb_d(xl as myNum, xs as myNum, yl as myNum, ys as myNum, ix as myNum,\
	iyl as myNum, iyh as myNum, r as myNum, iterations as myNum, buf as (myNum)):

    bp = myNum(0)
    iy = iyl
    while iy < iyh:
        cx = xl + ix * xs
        ci = yl + iy * ys
        rx2 = ri2 = rx = ri = myNum(0)
        count = myNum(0)
        while ((rx2 + ri2) <= r) and (count < iterations):
            ri = (rx + rx) * ri + ci
            rx = rx2 - ri2 + cx
            rx2 = rx * rx
            ri2 = ri * ri
            count += 1
        if (rx2 + ri2 > r) and (count <= iterations):
            buf[bp.i] = count
            bp += 1
            buf[bp.i] = myNum(0)
            bp += 1
        iy += 1

def main(argv as (string)):

    xl = myNum(-0.74526593488600)
    yl = myNum(0.11303858131900)
    xh = myNum(-0.74525997120900)
    yh = myNum(0.11304454499600)
    r = myNum(4.0)

    size = myNum(int.Parse(argv[0]))
    iterations = myNum(int.Parse(argv[1]))
    print ("size = $(size.i), iterations = $(iterations.i)")

    buf = array(myNum, size.i)
    xs = (xh - xl) / (size - 1)
    ys = (yh - yl) / (size - 1)

    start = date.Now
    ix = myNum(0)
    while ix < size:
        mb_d(xl, xs, yl, ys, ix, myNum(0), size, r, iterations, buf)
        ix += 1
    elapsed = date.Now.Subtract(start)
    print ("Boo elapsed time = $elapsed")
    for i in buf:
        System.Console.Write(i + " ")
    print myNum.n, "myNums created"

main(("250", "1000"))
**Duck operators version** ```boo /* boo ducktyped version - Mandelbrot Benchmark by Bill Wood */

def mb_d(xl as duck, xs as duck, yl as duck, ys as duck, ix as duck, iyl as duck, iyh as duck, r as duck, iterations as duck, buf as (duck)):

bp as duck = 0
for iy as duck in range(iyl, iyh):
    cx as duck = xl + ix * xs
    ci as duck = yl + iy * ys

rx2 = ri2 = rx = ri = 0.0

    rx2 as duck = 0.0; ri2 as duck = 0.0; rx as duck = 0.0; ri as duck = 0.0
    count as duck = 0
    while ((rx2 + ri2) <= r) and (count < iterations):
        ri = (rx + rx) * ri + ci
        rx = rx2 - ri2 + cx
        rx2 = rx * rx
        ri2 = ri * ri
        count += 1
    if (rx2 + ri2 > r) and (count <= iterations):
        buf[bp] = count
        bp += 1
        buf[bp] = 0
        bp += 1

def main(argv as (string)):

xl as duck = -0.74526593488600
yl as duck = 0.11303858131900
xh as duck = -0.74525997120900
yh as duck = 0.11304454499600
r as duck = 4.0

size as duck = int.Parse(argv[0])
iterations as duck = int.Parse(argv[1])
print ("size = $size, iterations = $iterations")

buf = array(duck, cast(int, size))
xs as duck = (xh - xl) / (size - 1)
ys as duck = (yh - yl) / (size - 1)

start = date.Now
for ix as duck in range(0, size):
    mb_d(xl, xs, yl, ys, ix, 0, size, r, iterations, buf)
elapsed = date.Now.Subtract(start)
print ("Boo elapsed time = $elapsed")
for i as duck in buf:
    System.Console.Write(i + " ")

main(("250", "1000"))

<a name="Python"/>
**Python version**
  Python version - Mandelbrot benchmark by Bill Wood


def mb_d(xl, xs, yl, ys, ix, iyl, iyh, r, iterations, buf):

    bp = 0
    for iy in xrange(iyl, iyh):
        cx = xl + ix * xs
        ci = yl + iy * ys
        rx2 = ri2 = rx = ri = 0
        count = 0
        while ((rx2 + ri2) <= r) and (count < iterations):
            ri = (rx + rx) * ri + ci
            rx = rx2 - ri2 + cx
            rx2 = rx * rx
            ri2 = ri * ri
            count += 1
        if (rx2 + ri2 > r) and (count <= iterations):
            buf[bp] = count
            bp += 1
            buf[bp] = 0
            bp += 1

import sys, time

def Main():

    xl = -0.74526593488600
    yl = 0.11303858131900
    xh = -0.74525997120900
    yh = 0.11304454499600
    r = 4.0

    size = 250
    iterations = 1000
    print "size = ", size, ", iterations = ", iterations

    buf = range(0, size)
    xs = (xh - xl) / (size - 1)
    ys = (yh - yl) / (size - 1)

    starttime = time.clock()
    for ix in xrange(0, size):
        mb_d(xl, xs, yl, ys, ix, 0, size, r, iterations, buf)
    print "Total time:    ", time.clock() - starttime
    print buf

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