Easily integrate BoldSign's e-signature features into your PHP applications. This SDK simplifies sending documents for signature, embedding signing ceremonies, tracking document status, downloading signed documents, and managing e-signature workflows.
PHP 7.4 and later.
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
"require": {
"boldsign/php": "1.0.0"
"minimum-stability": "dev"
Then run composer install
Alternatively, install directly with
composer require boldsign/php:1.0.0
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
require_once __DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php";
// Configure API key authorization: X-API-KEY
$config = new BoldSign\Configuration();
$documentApi = new BoldSign\Api\DocumentApi($config);
$bounds = new BoldSign\Model\Rectangle([100, 100, 100, 50]);
$signatureField = new BoldSign\Model\FormField();
// Set the signers
$signer = new BoldSign\Model\DocumentSigner();
$send_for_sign = new BoldSign\Model\SendForSign();
$documentCreated = $documentApi->sendDocument($send_for_sign);
All URIs are relative to https://api.boldsign.com
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
BrandingApi | brandList | GET /v1/brand/list | List all the brands. |
BrandingApi | createBrand | POST /v1/brand/create | Create the brand. |
BrandingApi | deleteBrand | DELETE /v1/brand/delete | Delete the brand. |
BrandingApi | editBrand | POST /v1/brand/edit | Edit the brand. |
BrandingApi | getBrand | GET /v1/brand/get | Get the specific brand details. |
BrandingApi | resetDefaultBrand | POST /v1/brand/resetdefault | Reset default brand. |
ContactsApi | contactUserList | GET /v1/contacts/list | List Contact document. |
ContactsApi | createContact | POST /v1/contacts/create | Create the new Contact. |
ContactsApi | deleteContacts | DELETE /v1/contacts/delete | Deletes a contact. |
ContactsApi | getContact | GET /v1/contacts/get | Get summary of the contact. |
ContactsApi | updateContact | PUT /v1/contacts/update | Update the contact. |
CustomFieldApi | createCustomField | POST /v1/customField/create | Create the custom field. |
CustomFieldApi | customFieldsList | GET /v1/customField/list | List the custom fields respective to the brand id. |
CustomFieldApi | deleteCustomField | DELETE /v1/customField/delete | Delete the custom field. |
CustomFieldApi | editCustomField | POST /v1/customField/edit | Edit the custom field. |
CustomFieldApi | embedCustomField | POST /v1/customField/createEmbeddedCustomFieldUrl | Generates a URL for creating or modifying custom fields within your application's embedded Designer. |
DocumentApi | addAuthentication | PATCH /v1/document/addAuthentication | The add authentication to recipient. |
DocumentApi | addTag | PATCH /v1/document/addTags | Add the Tags in Documents. |
DocumentApi | behalfDocuments | GET /v1/document/behalfList | Gets the behalf documents. |
DocumentApi | changeAccessCode | PATCH /v1/document/changeAccessCode | Changes the access code for the given document signer. |
DocumentApi | changeRecipient | PATCH /v1/document/changeRecipient | Change recipient details of a document. |
DocumentApi | createEmbeddedRequestUrlDocument | POST /v1/document/createEmbeddedRequestUrl | Generates a send URL which embeds document sending process into your application. |
DocumentApi | deleteDocument | DELETE /v1/document/delete | Delete the document. |
DocumentApi | deleteTag | DELETE /v1/document/deleteTags | Delete the Tags in Documents. |
DocumentApi | downloadAttachment | GET /v1/document/downloadAttachment | Download the Attachment. |
DocumentApi | downloadAuditLog | GET /v1/document/downloadAuditLog | Download the audit trail document. |
DocumentApi | downloadDocument | GET /v1/document/download | Download the document. |
DocumentApi | extendExpiry | PATCH /v1/document/extendExpiry | Extends the expiration date of the document. |
DocumentApi | getEmbeddedSignLink | GET /v1/document/getEmbeddedSignLink | Get sign link for Embedded Sign. |
DocumentApi | getProperties | GET /v1/document/properties | Get summary of the document. |
DocumentApi | listDocuments | GET /v1/document/list | List user documents. |
DocumentApi | prefillFields | PATCH /v1/document/prefillFields | Updates the value (prefill) of the fields in the document. |
DocumentApi | remindDocument | POST /v1/document/remind | Send reminder to pending signers. |
DocumentApi | removeAuthentication | PATCH /v1/document/RemoveAuthentication | Remove the access code for the given document signer. |
DocumentApi | revokeDocument | POST /v1/document/revoke | Revoke the document. |
DocumentApi | sendDocument | POST /v1/document/send | Sends the document for sign. |
DocumentApi | teamDocuments | GET /v1/document/teamlist | Get user Team documents. |
PlanApi | apiCreditsCount | GET /v1/plan/apiCreditsCount | Gets the Api credits details. |
SenderIdentitiesApi | createSenderIdentities | POST /v1/senderIdentities/create | Creates sender identity. |
SenderIdentitiesApi | deleteSenderIdentities | DELETE /v1/senderIdentities/delete | Deletes sender identity. |
SenderIdentitiesApi | listSenderIdentities | GET /v1/senderIdentities/list | Lists sender identity. |
SenderIdentitiesApi | reRequestSenderIdentities | POST /v1/senderIdentities/rerequest | Rerequests denied sender identity. |
SenderIdentitiesApi | resendInvitationSenderIdentities | POST /v1/senderIdentities/resendInvitation | Resends sender identity invitation. |
SenderIdentitiesApi | updateSenderIdentities | POST /v1/senderIdentities/update | Updates sender identity. |
TeamsApi | createTeam | POST /v1/teams/create | Create Team. |
TeamsApi | getTeam | GET /v1/teams/get | Get Team details. |
TeamsApi | listTeams | GET /v1/teams/list | List Teams. |
TeamsApi | updateTeam | PUT /v1/teams/update | Update Team. |
TemplateApi | addTag | PATCH /v1/template/addTags | Add the Tags in Templates. |
TemplateApi | createEmbeddedRequestUrlTemplate | POST /v1/template/createEmbeddedRequestUrl | Generates a send URL using a template which embeds document sending process into your application. |
TemplateApi | createEmbeddedTemplateUrl | POST /v1/template/createEmbeddedTemplateUrl | Generates a create URL to embeds template create process into your application. |
TemplateApi | createTemplate | POST /v1/template/create | Creates a new template. |
TemplateApi | deleteTag | DELETE /v1/template/deleteTags | Delete the Tags in Templates. |
TemplateApi | deleteTemplate | DELETE /v1/template/delete | Deletes a template. |
TemplateApi | download | GET /v1/template/download | Download the template. |
TemplateApi | editTemplate | PUT /v1/template/edit | Edit and updates an existing template. |
TemplateApi | getEmbeddedTemplateEditUrl | POST /v1/template/getEmbeddedTemplateEditUrl | Generates a edit URL to embeds template edit process into your application. |
TemplateApi | getProperties | GET /v1/template/properties | Get summary of the template. |
TemplateApi | listTemplates | GET /v1/template/list | List all the templates. |
TemplateApi | mergeAndSend | POST /v1/template/mergeAndSend | Send the document by merging multiple templates. |
TemplateApi | sendUsingTemplate | POST /v1/template/send | Send a document for signature using a Template. |
UserApi | cancelInvitation | POST /v1/users/cancelInvitation | Cancel the users invitation. |
UserApi | createUser | POST /v1/users/create | Create the user. |
UserApi | getUser | GET /v1/users/get | Get summary of the user. |
UserApi | listUsers | GET /v1/users/list | List user documents. |
UserApi | resendInvitation | POST /v1/users/resendInvitation | Resend the users invitation. |
UserApi | updateUser | PUT /v1/users/update | Update new User role. |
- AccessCodeDetail
- AccessCodeDetails
- AttachmentInfo
- AuditTrail
- BehalfDocument
- BehalfDocumentRecords
- BehalfOf
- BillingViewModel
- BrandCreated
- BrandCustomFieldDetails
- BrandingMessage
- BrandingRecords
- ChangeRecipient
- ConditionalRule
- ContactCreated
- ContactDetails
- ContactPageDetails
- ContactsDetails
- ContactsList
- CreateContactResponse
- CreateSenderIdentityRequest
- CreateTeamRequest
- CreateTemplateRequest
- CreateUser
- CustomDomainSettings
- CustomFieldCollection
- CustomFieldMessage
- CustomFormField
- DeleteCustomFieldReply
- Document
- DocumentCC
- DocumentCcDetails
- DocumentCreated
- DocumentExpirySettings
- DocumentFiles
- DocumentFormFields
- DocumentInfo
- DocumentProperties
- DocumentReassign
- DocumentRecords
- DocumentSenderDetail
- DocumentSigner
- DocumentSignerDetails
- DocumentTags
- EditSenderIdentityRequest
- EditTemplateRequest
- EditableDateFieldSettings
- EmbeddedCreateTemplateRequest
- EmbeddedCustomFieldCreated
- EmbeddedDocumentRequest
- EmbeddedSendCreated
- EmbeddedSendTemplateFormRequest
- EmbeddedSigningLink
- EmbeddedTemplateCreated
- EmbeddedTemplateEditRequest
- EmbeddedTemplateEdited
- ErrorResult
- ExistingFormField
- ExtendExpiry
- FileInfo
- Font
- FormField
- FormGroup
- FormulaFieldSettings
- IdVerification
- IdentityVerificationSettings
- ImageInfo
- MergeAndSendForSignForm
- NotificationSettings
- PageDetails
- PhoneNumber
- PrefillField
- PrefillFieldRequest
- ProblemDetails
- RecipientNotificationSettings
- Rectangle
- ReminderMessage
- ReminderSettings
- RemoveAuthentication
- RevokeDocument
- Role
- Roles
- SendForSign
- SendForSignFromTemplateForm
- SenderIdentityList
- SenderIdentityViewModel
- Size
- TeamCreated
- TeamDocumentRecords
- TeamListResponse
- TeamPageDetails
- TeamResponse
- TeamUpdateRequest
- TeamUsers
- Teams
- Template
- TemplateCC
- TemplateCreated
- TemplateFormFields
- TemplateProperties
- TemplateRecords
- TemplateRole
- TemplateSenderDetail
- TemplateSenderDetails
- TemplateSharedTemplateDetail
- TemplateSignerDetails
- TemplateTag
- TextTagDefinition
- TextTagOffset
- UpdateUser
- UserPageDetails
- UserProperties
- UserRecords
- UsersDetails
- Validation
- ViewBrandDetails
- ViewCustomFieldDetails
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: X-API-KEY
- Location: HTTP header
To run the tests, use:
composer install
This PHP package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version:
- Package version:
- Generator version:
- Package version:
- Build package: