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boisgera committed Jul 27, 2024
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API Reference

``` python
import pandoc
from pandoc.types import *


??? note "`read(source=None, file=None, format=None, options=None)`"
Read a source document.

The source document must be specified by either `source` or `file`.
Implicitly, the document format is inferred from the filename extension
when possible[^heuristics], otherwise the markdown format is assumed
by default; the input format can also be specified explicitly.
Extra options can be passed to the pandoc command-line tool.

[^heuristics]: refer to [Pandoc's heuristics]( for the gory details of this inference.


- `source`: the document content, as a string or as utf-8 encoded bytes.

- `file`: the document, provided as a file or filename.

- `format`: the document format (such as `"markdown"`, `"odt"`, `"docx"`, `"html"`, etc.)

Refer to [Pandoc's README]( for
the list of supported input formats.

- `options`: additional pandoc options (a list of strings).

Refer to [Pandoc's user guide]( for a
complete list of options.


- `doc`: the document, as a `Pandoc` object.


Read documents from strings:

``` pycon
>>> markdown = "Hello world!"
Pandoc(Meta({}), [Para([Str('Hello'), Space(), Str('world!')])])
>>> html = "<p>Hello world!</p>"
>>>, format="html")
Pandoc(Meta({}), [Para([Str('Hello'), Space(), Str('world!')])])

Read documents from files:

``` pycon
>>> filename = "doc.html"
>>> with open(filename, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file:
... _ = file.write(html)
>>> # html format inferred from filename
Pandoc(Meta({}), [Para([Str('Hello'), Space(), Str('world!')])])
>>> file = open(filename, encoding="utf-8")
>>>, format="html") # but here it must be explicit
Pandoc(Meta({}), [Para([Str('Hello'), Space(), Str('world!')])])

Use extra pandoc options:

``` pycon
>>>, options=["-M", "id=hello"]) # add metadata
Pandoc(Meta({'id': MetaString('hello')}), [Para([Str('Hello'), Space(), Str('world!')])])

??? note "`write(doc, file=None, format=None, options=None)`"
Write a pandoc document (or document fragment) to a file and return its contents.

Inline document fragments are automatically wrapped into a `Plain`
blocks; block document fragments are automatically wrapped into
a `Pandoc` element with no metadata.

Implicitly, the document format is inferred from the filename extension
when possible[^heuristics], otherwise the markdown format is assumed
by default; the output format can also be specified explicitly.
Extra options can be passed to the pandoc command-line tool.


- `doc`: a `Pandoc` object or a document fragment
(`Inline`, `[Inline]`, `MetaInlines`,
`Block`, `[Block]` or `MetaBlocks`).

- `file`: a file, filename or `None`.

- `format`: the document format (such as `"markdown"`, `"odt"`, `"docx"`, `"html"`, etc.)

Refer to [Pandoc's README]( for
the list of supported output formats.

- `options`: additional pandoc options (a list of strings).

Refer to [Pandoc's user guide]( for a
complete list of options.


- `output`: the output document, as a string or as a byte sequence.

Bytes are only used for binary output formats (doc, ppt, etc.).


Write documents to markdown strings:

``` pycon
>>> doc ="Hello world!")
>>> doc
Pandoc(Meta({}), [Para([Str('Hello'), Space(), Str('world!')])])
>>> print(pandoc.write(doc)) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
Hello world!

Write document fragments to markdown strings:

``` pycon
>>> md = lambda elt: print(pandoc.write(elt))
>>> md(Str("Hello!")) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
>>> md([Str('Hello'), Space(), Str('world!')]) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
Hello world!
>>> md(Para([Str('Hello'), Space(), Str('world!')])) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
Hello world!
>>> md([ # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
... Para([Str('Hello'), Space(), Str('world!')]),
... Para([Str('Hello'), Space(), Str('world!')])
... ])
Hello world!
Hello world!
>>> md(MetaInlines([Str('Hello'), Space(), Str('world!')])) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
Hello world!
>>> md(MetaBlocks([ # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
... Para([Str('Hello'), Space(), Str('world!')]),
... Para([Str('Hello'), Space(), Str('world!')])
... ]))
Hello world!
Hello world!

Use alternate (text or binary) output formats:

``` pycon
>>> output = pandoc.write(doc, format="html") # html output
>>> type(output)
<class 'str'>
>>> print(output)
<p>Hello world!</p>
>>> output = pandoc.write(doc, format="odt")
>>> type(output)
<class 'bytes'>
>>> output # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

Write documents to files:

``` pycon
>>> _ = pandoc.write(doc, file="")
>>> open("", encoding="utf-8").read()
'Hello world!\n'
>>> _ = pandoc.write(doc, file="doc.html")
>>> open("doc.html", encoding="utf-8").read()
'<p>Hello world!</p>\n'
>>> _ = pandoc.write(doc, file="doc.pdf")
>>> open("doc.pdf", "rb").read() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

Use extra pandoc options:

``` pycon
>>> output = pandoc.write(
... doc,
... format="html",
... options=["--standalone", "-V", "lang=en"]
... )
>>> print(output) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<p>Hello world!</p>

??? note "`iter(elt, path=False)`"

Iterate on document elements in document order.


- `elt`: a pandoc item (or more generally any Python object),

- `path`: a boolean; defaults to `False`.


- `iterator`: a depth-first tree iterator.

- `elt_path` (when `path==True`): a list of `(elt, index)` pairs.


This iterator may be used as a general-purpose tree iterator

``` pycon
>>> tree = [1, [2, [3]]]
>>> for elt in pandoc.iter(tree):
... print(elt)
[1, [2, [3]]]
[2, [3]]

Non-iterable objects yield themselves:

``` pycon
>>> root = 1
>>> for elt in pandoc.iter(root):
... print(elt)

But it is really meant to be used with pandoc objects:

``` pycon
>>> doc = Pandoc(Meta({}), [Para([Str('Hello'), Space(), Str('world!')])])
>>> for elt in pandoc.iter(doc):
... print(elt)
Pandoc(Meta({}), [Para([Str('Hello'), Space(), Str('world!')])])
[Para([Str('Hello'), Space(), Str('world!')])]
Para([Str('Hello'), Space(), Str('world!')])
[Str('Hello'), Space(), Str('world!')]

Two gotchas: characters in strings are not iterated (strings are considered

``` pycon
>>> root = "Hello world!"
>>> for elt in pandoc.iter(root):
... print(elt)
Hello world!

and dicts yield their key-value pairs (and not only their keys):

``` pycon
>>> root = {"a": 1, "b": 2}
>>> for elt in pandoc.iter(root):
... print(elt)
{'a': 1, 'b': 2}
('a', 1)
('b', 2)

Use `path=True` when you need to locate the element in the document.
You can get the element parent and index within this parent as `path[-1]`,
the grand-parent and the index of the parent within the grand-parent
as `path[-2]`, etc. up to the document root.

``` pycon
>>> doc = Pandoc(Meta({}), [Para([Str('Hello'), Space(), Str('world!')])])
>>> world = Str("world!")
>>> for elt, path in pandoc.iter(doc, path=True): # find the path to Str("world!")
... if elt == world:
... break
>>> for elt, index in path:
... print(f"At index {index} in {elt}:")
... else:
... print(world)
At index 1 in Pandoc(Meta({}), [Para([Str('Hello'), Space(), Str('world!')])]):
At index 0 in [Para([Str('Hello'), Space(), Str('world!')])]:
At index 0 in Para([Str('Hello'), Space(), Str('world!')]):
At index 2 in [Str('Hello'), Space(), Str('world!')]:

<h5>See also</h5>

Refer to the [Tree iteration section](../iteration#tree-iteration).

??? note "`configure(auto=False, path=None, version=None, pandoc_types_version=None, read=False, reset=False)`"


- `auto`: a boolean; defaults to `False`; set to `True` to
infer the configuration from the `pandoc` in your path.

- `path`: the path to the pandoc executable, such as `"/usr/bin/pandoc"`.

- `version`: the `pandoc` command-line tool version, such as `"2.14.2"`.

- `pandoc_types_version`: the [`pandoc-types`](
version, such as `"1.22.1"`.

- `read`: a boolean; defaults to `False`. Return the configuration dictionary.

- `reset`: a boolean; defaults to `False`. Delete the current configuration.


- `configuration` (if `read==True`): the configuration dictionary,
with entries `"auto"`, `"path"`, `"version"` and "`pandoc_types_version`".


The configuration step is triggered when you import `pandoc.types` or
call `` or `pandoc.write` and will automatically infer the
configuration from the `pandoc` executable found in the path (or fails).

``` pycon
>>> config = pandoc.configure(read=True)
>>> config # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
{'auto': True,
'path': ...,
'version': '3.2.1',
'pandoc_types_version': '1.23.1'}
To avoid this, call `pandoc.configure(...)` yourself beforehand.
Alternatively, select manually your pandoc executable afterwards:

``` pycon
>>> pandoc.configure(reset=True)
>>> pandoc.configure(read=True) is None
>>> config["auto"] = False
>>> pandoc.configure(**config)
>>> pandoc.configure(read=True) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
{'auto': False,
'path': ...,
'version': '3.2.1',
'pandoc_types_version': '1.23.1'}

<h5>See also</h5>

Refer to the [Configuration section](../configuration).



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