Precompiled jars are available on SourceForge and Maven (com.fifesoft:rsyntaxtextarea:3.0.5
). This release includes the following changes:
- Adding 6502 Assembler syntax highlighting
- Fix #264: Fixing typo in German localization of 'Close all blocks'
- Fix #317: Background color of Token paints over parser notices (squiggle underlines)
- Fix #319: JSON: Auto-close curly braces. Square brackets still aren't working yet due to lack of support for them in RSyntaxTextAreaEditorKit
- Themes should set 'armed fold BG' to 'fold BG' if it is null in the XML, just to make downstream code's life easier
- Fix #303: Non-ASCII characters were sometimes not copy-pasted out of RSTA properly when copied with "styled text" actions (e.g. copy as RTF or HTML) (thanks @Yun-Shan)
- Python syntax highlighting now properly renders annotations (thanks @paul-griffith)