Install Anaconda then
conda create -n beq numpy scipy qtpy mkl==2018.0.2 qtawesome pytest pytest-cov sortedcontainers pillow requests
activate beq
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install pyqt5 matplotlib ffmpeg-python soundfile resampy pyqtgraph pyinstaller semver dulwich
Note that pyinstaller must be >=4.0 and pyqt5 must be from pypi because of the issue noted in the pyinstaller release notes
Assuming pipenv and python3.8 is installed
pipenv install
- hack ffmpeg to workaround kkroening/ffmpeg-python#116
- in
stdin_stream = subprocess.PIPE
- in
p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
to create an exe
pyinstaller --clean --log-level=WARN -F for_exe.spec
to create an installer
pyinstaller --clean --log-level=WARN -D for_nsis.spec
to create an installer
makensis src\main\nsis\Installer.nsi