A Web App that allows users to:
- Sign In/Sign Up through Gmail
- Post public or private stories
- Edit and delete their stories
- View other users' public stories
- View other users' profile
Upcoming Feature/s
- 💬 Chat - user will be able to leave a comment to other's post
- 👍 Reaction - user will be able to leave a like to a post
- HTML & Embedded Javascript - ejs is used for templating, thus reducing multiple source files.
- NodeJS & ExpressJS - used for server-side scripting such as creating routes, establishing a connection with the database, etc.
- MongoDB - NoSQL database for saving users and posts.
- PassportJS - used for google authentication when logging in/signing up
- Mongo Injection - disabled dangerous visitors in injecting a query to get information from the database.
- Route Protection - only allowed authenticated users to visit a certain route or web page
|--🗂️ config
| | `--🧾 db.js
| | `--🧾 passport.js
|--🗂️ helpers
| | `--🧾 ejs.js
|--🗂️ middleware
| | `--🧾 authentication.js
|--🗂️ models
| | `--🧾 Story.js
| | `--🧾 User.js
|--🗂️ public
| |--📂 images
| | `--🧾 favicon.svg
| |--📂 stylesheets
| | `--🧾 styles.css
|--🗂️ routes
| | `--🧾 auth.js
| | `--🧾 index.js
| | `--🧾 story.js
|--🗂️ utils
| | `--🧾 ApplicationError.js
|--🗂️ views
| |--📂 layouts
| | `--🧾 boilerplate.ejs
| |--📂 partials
| | `--🧾 _header.ejs
| |--📂 stories
| | `--🧾 edit.ejs
| | `--🧾 index.ejs
| | `--🧾 new.ejs
| | `--🧾 show.ejs
| |--📂 users
| | `--🧾 dashboard.ejs
| | `--🧾 login.ejs
| | `--🧾 show.ejs
| |--🧾 error.ejs
|--🧾 .gitignore
|--🧾 app.js
|--🧾 package-lock.json
|--🧾 package.json
|--🧾 Procfile
|--🧾 README.md