This is the repo for the analysis of the Lowlands Chinese Whispers 2019 data collected by the Creative Intelligence Lab (Leiden University). It consists of 5 different Dutch stories retold in a chain of usually 7 individuals with one seed.
The file names consist of the first to numbers indicating the story ID: 01, 11 and 21 indicate the 'koffiebekers' story, 02, 12, and 22 the 'rode pet' story, 03, 13 and 23 indicate the 'kipfilet' story, 04, 14 and 24 indicate the 'bank' story, and 05, 15 and 25 the 'opgraving' story.
The last two numbers indicate where in the chain we are, with 00 being the seed story.
Some basic characteristics of the story chains are explored. First, the type/token ratio as we progress in the chain, the POS-frequency distribution, and the dependency distances as indication of syntactic complexity. So far everything happens in one Jupyter notebook.