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hedy edited this page Jan 4, 2017 · 1 revision

The error returned from BNP will pass to the callback as an error object. The error message is a string formatted as

    HciError(10): Synch conn limit exceeded

, where 'HciError' denotes the type of error and number 10 is the corresponding error code.

******************************************** ### 8.3.1 HciError
Error code Description
1 Unknown hci cmd
2 Unknown conn id
3 Hw failure
4 Page timeout
5 Auth failure
6 Pin key missing
7 Mem cap exceeded
8 Conn timeout
9 Conn limit exceeded
10 Synch conn limit exceeded
11 Acl conn already exists
12 Cmd disallowed
13 Conn rej limited resources
14 Conn rejected security reasons
15 Conn rejected unacceptable bdaddr
16 Conn accept timeout exceeded
17 Unsupported feature param value
18 Invalid hci cmd params
19 Remote user term conn
20 Remote device term conn low resources
21 Remote device term conn power off
22 Conn term by local host
23 Repeated attempts
24 Pairing not allowed
25 Unknown lmp pdu
26 Unsupported remote feature
27 Sco offset rej
28 Sco interval rej
29 Sco air mode rej
30 Invalid lmp params
31 Unspecified error
32 Unsupported lmp param val
33 Role change not allowed
34 Lmp ll resp timeout
35 Lmp err transaction collision
36 Lmp pdu not allowed
37 Encrypt mode not acceptable
38 Link key can not be changed
39 Req qos not supported
40 Instant passed
41 Pairing with unit key not supported
42 Different transaction collision
43 Reserved 1
44 Qos unacceptable param
45 Qos rej
46 Chan assessment not supported
47 Insufficient security
48 Param out of mandatory range
49 Reserved 2
50 Role switch pending
51 Reserved 3
52 Reserved slot violation
53 Role switch failed
54 Extended inquiry resp too large
55 Simple pairing not supported by host
56 Host busy pairing
57 Conn rej no suitable chan found
58 Controller busy
59 Unacceptable conn interval
60 Directed adv timeout
61 Conn term mic failure
62 Conn failed to establish
63 Mac conn failed

******************************************** ### 8.3.2 AttError
Error code Description
1 The attribute handle given was not valid on this server
2 The attribute cannot be read
3 The attribute cannot be written
4 The attribute PDU was invalid
5 The attribute requires authentication before it can be read or written
6 Attribute server does not support the request received from the client
7 Offset specified was past the end of the attribute
8 The attribute requires authorization before it can be read or written
9 Too many prepare writes have been queued
10 No attribute found within the given attribute handle range
11 The attribute cannot be read or written using the Read Blob Request
12 The Encryption Key Size used for encrypting this link is insufficient
13 The attribute value length is invalid for the operation
14 The attribute request that was requested has encountered an error that was unlikely
15 The attribute requires encryption before it can be read or written
16 The attribute type is not a supported grouping attribute as defined by a higher layer specification
17 Insufficient Resources to complete the request
128 The attribute value is invalid for the operation

******************************************** ### 8.3.3 GenericError
Error code Description
1 Failure
2 Invalidparameter
3 Invalid task
4 Msg buffer not avail
5 Invalid msg pointer
6 Invalid event id
7 Invalid interrupt id
8 No timer avail
9 Nv item uninit
10 Nv oper failed
11 Invalid mem size
12 Nv bad item len
16 Ble Not Ready
17 Ble Already In Requested Mode
18 Ble Incorrect Mode
19 Ble MemAlloc Error
20 Ble Not Connected
21 Ble No Resources
22 Ble Pending
23 Ble Timeout
24 Ble Invalid Range
25 Ble Link Encrypted
26 Ble Procedure Complete
48 Ble GAP User Canceled
49 Ble GAP Conn Not Acceptable
50 Ble GAP Bond Rejected
64 Ble Invalid PDU
65 Ble Insufficient Authen
66 Ble Insufficient Encrypt
67 Ble Insufficient KeySize

******************************************** ### 8.3.4 Reason Code of Link-termination
Value Description
8 Supervisor Timeout
19 Peer Requested
22 Host Requested
34 Control Packet Timeout
40 Control Packet Instant Passed
59 LSTO Violation
61 MIC Failure