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Open source software to estimate nearshore bathymetry from videos of calibrated images and/or of geo-referenced planviews.


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UBathy is an open source software written in Python for nearshore bathymetry estimation from videos of calibrated raw images and/or of georeferenced planviews.


The algorithm for bathymetry estimation is based on extracting wave modes from videos of nearshore surface wave propagation. These videos can be formed either from raw camera images, which must have been previously calibrated, or from georeferenced planviews. For each wave mode extracted from the videos, the frequency and the spatially dependent wavenumbers are obtained. The bathymetries are obtained by fitting the surface waves dispersion relationship with the wavenumbers and frequencies of the different modes. Bathymetries estimated at different times are finally aggregated using a Kalman filter to obtain the final bathymetries. The videos may be recorded on Argus-type video monitoring stations and from moving cameras, such as drones or satellites. The calibration of these videos and the generation of planviews, which are necessary in the case of drones, can be done using the software UBasic, UCalib or UDrone. Details on the algorithm and methodology are described in

Simarro, G.; Calvete, D. UBathy (v2.0): A Software to Obtain the Bathymetry from Video Imagery. Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 6139.

The bathymetry estimation process consists of the following steps:

  1. Video setup
  2. Generation of meshes
  3. Mode decomposition
  4. Wavenumber computation
  5. Bathymetry estimation

Finally, UBathy allows to aggregate bathymetries obtained at different times using a Kalman filter:

  1. Kalman filtering

Requirements and project structure

To run the software it is necessary to have Python3 (3.9) and install the following dependencies:

  • OpenCV (4.5.1)
  • NumPy (1.19.5)
  • SciPy (1.6.0)
  • matplotlib (3.3.4)

In parenthesis we indicate the version with which the software has been tested. It is possible that it works with older versions.

The structure of the project is the following:

  • ubathy
  • example
    • videos
      • videoFilename01.mp4 (.avi or .mov)
      • videoFilename01
        • <anyname>000000000000.png (or .jpg)
        • . . .
      • . . .
    • data
      • xy_boundary.txt
      • parameters.json
      • videos4dates.json
      • videoFilename01
        • <anyname>cal.txt
        • <anyname>zs.txt
        • or
        • <anyname>crxyz.txt
      • groundTruth
        • date01_GT_xyz.txt
        • . . .
      • . . .
    • scratch
      • mesh_B.npz
      • videoFilename01
        • mesh_M.npz
        • mesh_K.npz
        • M_modes
          • t<timeInVideo>_w<windowTime>_T<period>_<modeType>.npz
          • . . .
        • K_wavenumber
          • t<timeInVideo>_w<windowTime>_T<period>_<modeType>_K.npz
          • . . .
      • . . .
      • B_bathymetries
        • date01_<modeType>_B.npz
        • date01_GT_B.npz
        • . . .
      • plots
        • mesh_B.png
        • videoFilename01
          • mesh_M.png
          • mesh_M_inImage.png
          • mesh_K.png
          • mesh_K_inImage.png
          • M_modes
            • t<timeInVideo>_w<windowTime>_T<period>_<modeType>.png
            • . . .
          • K_wavenumber
            • t<timeInVideo>_w<windowTime>_T<period>_<modeType>_K.png
            • . . .
        • . . .
        • B_bathymetries
          • date01_<modeType>_B.png
          • . . .
    • bathymetries
      • mesh_B.txt
      • date01_B.txt
      • date01_B_kalman.txt
      • date01_GT_B.txt
      • . . .
      • plots
        • mesh_B.png
        • date01_B.png
        • date01_B_Kalman.png
        • . . .

The local modules of UBathy are located in the ubathy folder.

To run a demo in folder example experienced users can run the file in a terminal. Alternatively we provide the file example_notebook.ipynb to be used in a Jupyter Notebook. In that case, import modules and set the main path of the example:

import sys
import os
sys.path.insert(0, 'ubathy')
import ubathy as ubathy
pathFolderMain = 'example'

Set also the folders where the videos (videos) and data files (data) are located, and the folders where the temporary data (scratch) and the estimated bathymetries (bathymetries) will be stored:

pathFolderData = os.path.join(pathFolderMain, 'data')
pathFolderVideos = os.path.join(pathFolderMain, 'videos')
pathFolderScratch = os.path.join(pathFolderMain, 'scratch')
pathFolderBathymetries = os.path.join(pathFolderMain, 'bathymetries')

Video setup

The bathymetric extraction algorithm is applied to videos stored in the videos folder. For each video <videoFilename> a folder with the same name must contain the frames with the format <anyname><milliseconds>.png (or .jpg). For plaview videos the filemane might end with plw (<anyname><milliseconds>plw.png). Depending on whether the frames come from calibrated camera images or from georeferenced planviews, different files have to be provided.

Calibrated camera images

A calibration file <anyname>cal.txt of the camera must exist in the folder data/<videoFilename> with the following parameters:

Magnitudes Variables Units
Camera position coordinates xc, yc, zc m
Camera orientation angles ph, sg, ta rad
Lens radial distortion (parabolic, quartic) k1a, k2a -
Lens tangential distortion (parabolic, quartic) p1a, p2a -
Pixel size sc, sr -
Decentering oc, or pixel
Image size nc, nr pixel
Calibration error errorT pixel

This file can be obtained using the UBasic software. In the same directory should also exist the file <anyname>zs.txt with the position of the water surface during the recording of the video with the following structure:

  • <anyname>zs.txt: One line with


The coordinates of the camera position (xc, yc, zc) and the position of the water surface (zs) are referenced to the same coordinate system in which the bathymetries are to be obtained.

Georeferenced planviews

If the frames correspond to planviews, in the folder data/<videoFilename> there must exists the file <anyname>crxyz.txt with the correspondence between the planview corner pixels and the coordinate system in which the bathymetry is going to be obtained. The structure of this file is the following:

  • <anyname>crxyz.txt: One line for each corner pixel

pixel-column, pixel-row, x-coordinate, y-coordinate, z-coordinate-free-surface

On previous files, quantities must be separated by at least one blank space between them and the last record should not be continued with a newline (return).

Run video extraction

If the video has been stored in MP4, AVI or MOV image format, the frames must be extracted and placed in the above mentioned folder videos/<videoFilename> before processing. To do so, set a list of the videos to be processed with the name of each <videoFilename> (i.e. <videoFilename>.mp4). In case you want to extract all the videos that are in videos provide an empty list (i.e. [])

listOfVideos = [] 

Set the extraction rate of the frames:

Parameter Suggested value Units
Extraction framerate FPS 2.0 1/s
Set FPS=0 to extract all frames from the video.
FPS = 0.00

In the case that a <videoFilename> has already been extracted, set overwrite = True to extract it again and to False otherwise. Run the code to extract frames from de videos:

overwrite = False
ubathy.Video2Frames(pathFolderVideos, listOfVideos, FPS, overwrite)

As a result, for each <videoFilename> a folder videos/<videoFilename> containing the frames with the format <videoFilename>_<milliseconds>.png is generated.

Generation of meshes

In general, the meshes for the extraction of wave modes and for the calculation of wavenumbers and bathymetries are performed on the basis of a regular mesh of equilateral triangles in an x-y plane domain. The mesh for the extraction of the modes is adjusted according to the position of the pixels of the images of each video <videoFilename> if the frames come from calibrated camera images. For georeferenced planviews, the mesh extraction of wave modes corresponds to spatial coordinates of the planview whose corner pixels are specified in the file <anyname>crxyz.txt.

To generate the meshes it is necessary to provide in the folder data a file xy_boundary.txt with the coordinates of the polygon vertices of the region in which the bathymetry is going to be extracted and to set in the file parameters.json the spacing between the nodes of the different meshes.

The structure of each of these files is the following:

  • xy_boundary.txt: For each vertex point one line with (minimum 3)

x-coordinate, y-coordinate

Quantities must be separated by at least one blank space between. These points are to be given in the same coordinate system in which the bathymetry is going to be obtained

  • parameters.json: Set the values of node distance for ech mesh
Object-name Description Suggested value Units
delta_M approx. mode-node distance 2.5 m
delta_K wavenumber-node distance 5.0 m
delta_B bathymetry-node distance 5.0 m

Note that delta_M is not used for videos of georeferenced planviews.

Run meshes generation

To verify the arrangement of the mesh, images of the meshes and the position of the grid nodes relative to the video frames can be generated. Set parameter verbosePlot = True, and to False otherwise. In the case that the meshes have already been generated, set overwrite = True to generate them again and to False otherwise. Set the values of these control parameters and run the code to generate the meshes:

overwrite = False
verbosePlot = True
ubathy.CreateMeshes(pathFolderData, pathFolderVideos, pathFolderScratch, listOfVideos, overwrite, verbosePlot)

As a result, in the scratch folder scratch, the file containing the mesh for the bathymetry mesh_B.npz, which is common for all the videos, and the meshes for obtaining the wave modes mesh_M.npz and the wavenumbers mesh_K.npz for each video <videoFilename> will be obtained. In case the plots have been generated, the corresponding figures will be found in the scratch/plots folder, following the same folder structure as the data files.

Mode decomposition

Once the frames of the videos are available and the meshes have been generated, the decomposition of the waves into modes can be performed. Prior to the decomposition into modes, an algorithm based on Principal Component Analysis (Robust PCA) can be applied to reduce the noise in the images. The code includes two algorithms for the decomposition of the waves into modes. One is based on Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOF) and the other on Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD). These analyses are performed on sub-videos of the main video. The length of these sub-videos and their number will determine the wave periods that can be solved and the number of modes. The following parameters need to be set in the parameters.json file:

Object-name Description Suggested value Suggested range Units
time_step time steps for video analysis 30.0 1.0-60 s
time_windows temporal windows lengths [60.0, 90.0, 120.0] 30-150 s
min_period minimum wave period 3 - s
max_period maximum wave period 15 - s
candes_iter iterations robust algorithm 50 40-80 -
DMD_or_EOF type of mode decomposition DMD DMD or EOF
DMD_rank number of DMD modes 6 4-10 -
EOF_variance minimun variance of the EOF modes 0.025 0.010-0.100 -

If candes_iter=0 Robust PCA is not performed.

Run mode decomposition

Set the values of the plot generation and overwrite parameters, and run the wave mode decomposition code:

overwrite = False
verbosePlot = True
ubathy.ObtainWAndModes(pathFolderData, pathFolderVideos, pathFolderScratch, listOfVideos, overwrite, verbosePlot)

As a result, for all the videos included in the list listOfVideos and for every time window, the wave modes that verify the conditions set in the parameters.json file will be obtained. In case you want to process all the videos that are in videos provide an empty list (i.e. []). Each of these wave modes has an associated wave period. For each mode, a t<timeInVideo>_w<windowTime>_T<period>_<modeType>.npz file will be created in the scratch/<videoFilename>/M_modes folder containing, among other quantities, the phase of the waves at the nodes of the mesh_M.npz. In case the plots have been generated, the corresponding figures with the phase and amplitude of the modes will be found in the scratch/plots folder, following the same folder structure as the data files.

Wavenumber computation

The spatial structure of the modes is analysed to extract the wavenumber corresponding to each spatial point of the mode. The wavenumber is determined at each point from the values of the phase of the mode in its vicinity. The size of the spatial neighborhood for this analysis is determined by the range of depths to be measured and the number of neighborhoods to use. The following parameters need to be set in the parameters.json file:

Object-name Description Suggested value Suggested range Units
min_depth minimum depth of inversion 0.5 - m
max_depth maximum depth of inversion 6.0 - m
nRadius_K number of space neighborhoods for wavenumber calculation 3 2-5 -
cRadius_K wavelength factor for neighbourhood radius 0.60 0.40-0.60 -
nRANSAC_K number number of RANSAC iterations 50 25-100 -

Run wavenumber computation

Set the values of the plot generation and overwrite parameters, and run the wavenumber computation code:

overwrite = False
verbosePlot = True
ubathy.ObtainK(pathFolderData, pathFolderScratch, listOfVideos, overwrite, verbosePlot)

As a result, for all the modes obtained after analising the videos included in the list listOfVideos (or all videos if []), the wavenumber will be obtained. For each mode, a t<timeInVideo>_w<windowTime>_T<period>_<modeType>_K.npz file will be created in the scratch/<videoFilename>/K_modes folder containing, among other quantities, the wave period and wavenumber at the nodes of the mesh_K.npz. In case the plots have been generated, the corresponding figures with the phase and amplitude of the modes will be found in the scratch/plots folder, following the same folder structure as the data files.

Bathymetry estimation

Finally, once the wave modes have been extracted from the videos, and from these, the wavenumbers, the bathymetries can be estimated. These bathymetries will be made by composing periods and wavenumbers from different videos listed in the file videos4dates.json in the folder data. The fields in this file have the following format:

  • videos4dates.json: For each bathymetry the name of all the <videoFilename>'s to compose a <date> with format "yyyyMMddhhmm"

"<date01>": ["<videoFilename01>", "<videoFilename02>", "<videoFilename03>", . . .]

To compose the bathymetry at a point in space, frequency and wavenumber pairs are used in an environment determined by the wavelength at that point. In the composition of the bathymetry the standard deviation of the gamma parameter of the different modes is used as a quality criterion. The following parameters need to be set in the parameters.json file:

Object-name Description Default value Suggested range Units
stdGammaC critical value for the standart deviation of the gamma parameter 0.075 0.060-0.090 -
cRadius_B wavelength factor for neighbourhood radius 0.20 0.10-0.30 -

In case a Ground Truth bathymetry is available for a date <date>, the relative difference between the estimated bathymetry and the Ground Truth bathymetry is computed. This bathymetry must be located in the folder data/groundTruth with the name <date>_GT_xyz.txt. The structure of this file is the following:

  • <date>_GT_xyz.txt: For each points reference bathymetry one line with

x-coordinate, y-coordinate, z-coordinate-bathymetry

These points are to be given in the same coordinate system in which the bathymetry is going to be obtained. The z-axis is assumed to be upward directed.

Run bathymetry estimation

Set the values of the plot generation and overwrite parameters, and run the bathymetry estimation code:

overwrite = False
verbosePlot = True
ubathy.ObtainB(pathFolderData, pathFolderScratch, pathFolderBathymetries, overwrite, verbosePlot)

As a result, for each <date> in the file videos4dates.json, a bathymetry <date>_<modeType>_B.npz at the nodes of the mesh_B.npz will be created in the folder scratch/B_bathymetries. If the file <date>_GT_xyz.txt exists for a <date> for which the bathymetry has been estimated, an <date>_GT_B.npz file will also be created with the bathymetry interpolated at the nodes of the mesh_B.npz. In case the plots have been generated, the corresponding figures with the bathymetry will be found in the scratch/plots folder, following the same folder structure as the data files.

To facilitate the reading and processing of these bathymetries, files containing the grid points and bathymetries in plain text are placed in the folder bathymetries. The structure of each of these files is the following:

  • mesh_B.txt: For each grid points of the mesh one line with

x-coordinate, y-coordinate

  • <date>_B.txt: For each grid points of the mesh one line with

z-coordinate, self_error

  • <date>_GT_B.txt: For each grid points of the mesh one line with


The order of the grid points in the mesh and bathymetry files is the same. Therefore, to the same line number belongs the coordinates and the bathymetry of the same point in the corresponding files. The values of the bathymetry at the points where it has not been possible to evaluate are indicated by NaN values. In case the plots have been generated, the corresponding figures with the bathymetry will be found in the bathymetries/plots folder.

Kalman filtering

Bathymetries obtained at different times with a unique mesh for the bathymetry can be aggregate through a Kalman filter. Bathymetries <date>_B.txt (plain text format) located in the folder bathymetries that belong to the interval between Kalman_ini and Kalman_fin, with format "yyyyMMddhhmm", will be aggregated correlatively. All these bathymetries must have been obtained with the same mesh_B.txt which will be located in the same folder. The following parameters need to be set in the parameters.json file:

Object-name Description Default value Suggested range Units
Kalman_ini initial data - 202007250800 "yyyyMMddhhmm"
Kalman_fin final data - 202008010900 "yyyyMMddhhmm"
var_per_day daily bottom variability 0.10 0.05-0.25 m/day

In case Ground Truth bathymetries are available for several <date>'s, they must be located in the same folder with the name <date>_GT_B.txt and they should be interpolated at the nodes the same mesh_B.txt.

Run Kalman filtering

Set the values of the plot generation and overwrite parameters, and run the bathymetry estimation code:

pathFolderBathymetries = os.path.join(pathFolderMain, 'bathymetries_Kalman')
verbosePlot = True
ubathy.PerformKalman(pathFolderData, pathFolderBathymetries, verbosePlot)

Although the Kalman filter would normally be run on the bathymetries folder, in this example the execution has been redirected to the folder bathymetries_Kalman (modified pathFolderBathymetries variable above) where pre-computed bathymetries of different dates are provided.

As a result, for all the bathymetries <date>_B.txt a filtered bathymetry <date>_B_Kalman.txt, at the nodes of mesh_B.txt, that agregates all of the preceding bathymetries starting from Kalman_ini will be created. The structure filtered bathymetry is the following:

  • <date>_B_Kalman.txt: For each grid points of the mesh one line with

z-coordinate, a posteriori variance

The order of the grid points in the mesh and bathymetry files is the same. The values of the bathymetry at the points where it has not been possible to evaluate are indicated by NaN values. In case the plots have been generated, the corresponding figures with the filtered bathymetries will be found in the bathymetries_Kalman/plots folder.

Contact us

Are you experiencing problems? Do you want to give us a comment? Do you need to get in touch with us? Please contact us!

To do so, we ask you to use the Issues section instead of emailing us.


Contributions to this project are welcome. To do a clean pull request, please follow these guidelines


UBathy is released under a AGPL-3.0 license. If you use UBathy in an academic work, please cite:

  AUTHOR = {Simarro, Gonzalo and Calvete, Daniel},
  TITLE = {UBathy (v2.0): A Software to Obtain the Bathymetry from Video Imagery},
  JOURNAL = {Remote Sensing},
  VOLUME = {14},
  YEAR = {2022},
  NUMBER = {23},
  ARTICLE-NUMBER = {6139},
  URL = {},
  ISSN = {2072-4292},
  DOI = {10.3390/rs14236139}

  author = {Simarro, Gonzalo and Calvete, Daniel},
  title = {UBathy: A software to obtain the bathymetry from video imagery (version 2.0.0)},
  year = 2022,
  url = {10.5281/zenodo.7360216}

  author = {Simarro, Gonzalo and Calvete, Daniel},
  title = {UBathy},
  year = 2022,
  url = {}


Open source software to estimate nearshore bathymetry from videos of calibrated images and/or of geo-referenced planviews.







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  • Python 79.6%
  • Jupyter Notebook 20.4%