Pulsar is a distributed pub-sub messaging platform with a very flexible messaging model and an intuitive client API.
Learn more about Pulsar at https://pulsar.apache.org
This library is a wrapper on top of pulsar-client-go It makes producing and consuming from pulsar topics very easy and abstracts all the complexities. Additionally this library provides Admin API for pulsar administration.
Import the following module
import "github.com/blueshift-labs/pulsarlib-go/pulsarlib"
Initialize the library. This need to be done only once in the whole lifecycle of your process
worker_count := 10 //Number of consumer goroutines
pulsar_host := "pulsar.local" //pulsar host url
err := pulsarlib.InitMessaging(worker_count, pulsar_host)
if err != nil {
panic("Error initializing the library")
Create the Producer using the following code
tanantID := "my-tenant" //Name of the tenant
namespace := "my_namespace" //Name of the namespace
topic := "my_topic" //Topic to which the messages need to be published
producer, err := pulsarlib.CreateProducer(tenantID, namespace, topic)
if err != nil {
panic("Unable to create producer")
//Two dummy messages
messages := []*pulsarlib.Message{
Key: "message-1",
Value: []byte("This is the first message"),
Properties: map[string]string{
"message-type": "string"
Key: "message-2",
Value: []byte("This is the second message"),
Properties: map[string]string{
"message-type": "string"
//Publish the messages
err = producer.Publish(messages)
if err != nil {
panic("Error publishing messages")
stats := producer.Stats()
fmt.Println("Published messages stats:", stats)
//Cleanup the producer
Create the consumer using the following code
//Create a handler. It needs to implement pulsarlib.Handler interface.
type myHandler struct{}
func (h *myHandler) HandleMessage(msg *pulsarlib.Message) {
fmt.Printf("Message consumed. Key [%s] Value [%v] Properties [%v]", msg.Key, msg.Value, msg.Properties)
tanantID := "my-tenant" //Name of the tenant
namespace := "my_namespace" //Name of the namespace
topics := []string{"my-topic1"} //Can consume from multiple topics within a namespace
subscriptionName := "my-subscription"
handler := &myHandler{}
opts := ConsumerOpts{
SubscriptionName: subscriptionName
consumer, err := pulsarlib.CreateConsumer(tenantID, namespace, topics, handler, opts)
if err != nil {
panic("Error publishing messages")
//Start the consumer
err = consumer.Start()
if err != nil {
panic("Error starting consumer")
//To pause the consumer
//To unpause the consumer
//Stopping the consumer
err = consumer.Stop()
if err != nil {
panic("Error stopping consumer")
//If you want to delete the subscription
err = consumer.Unsubscribe()
if err != nil {
panic("Error unsubscribing")
stats := consumer.Stats()
fmt.Println("Consumed messages stats:", stats)
The following admin APIs are provided by this library
//Available APIs
CreateTenant(tenantID string, adminRoles []string, allowedClusters []string) error
DeleteTenant(tenantID string) error
CreateNamespace(tenantID string, namespace string) error
DeleteNamespace(tenantID string, namespace string) error
UnloadNamespace(tenantID string, namespace string) error
ListTenants() ([]string, error)
ListNamespaces(tenantID string) ([]string, error)
CreateTopic(tenantID string, namespace string, topic string) error
DeleteTopic(tenantID string, namespace string, topic string) error
ListTopics(tenantID string, namespace string) ([]string, error)
CreatePartitionedTopic(tenantID string, namespace string, topic string, partitions int) error
DeletePartionedTopic(tenantID string, namespace string, topic string) error
ListPartionedTopics(tenantID string, namespace string) ([]string, error)
To use the APIs just call the function with required parameters. For example
pulsarTenants, err := pulsarlib.ListTenants()
if err != nil {
panic("Unable to list tenants")