This is a small app to put in my crontab to go to Unsplash grab a random picture, download it, set it as my desktop background, and post a tweet about it.
Check out @endo_img on twitter to see the recent pictures.
I have all the files in one directory, and setup cron to run ''.
Unsplash API app and key. - - You just need READ type rights on your app as it doesn't POST (YET)
Twitter API keys and tokens - rights to POST an update user timeline
Written for Python 2.7 on OSX 10.11
Have a better way? Want to make a change?
fork it, update it, push it. hit me up on twitter @endodino.
Add 'likes' to Unsplash pics
- requires Unsplash Oauth
- Once a picture is set as my background, give it a like
Code clean up
- collapse to one file