Tile Editor is a level Editor. It's a game program, for Windows, MacOS and Linux. Tile Editor is free and open-source (licence MIT).
Tile Editor is developped in Purebasic and has been created by Blendman, with some help when needed (Purebasic forums french, english and german) Purebasic User Forum (english)
You can download Tile Editor from the release directory or from the Github releases
There isn't any release for the moment for those platforms.
- Issue Tracker - Report bugs or request features.
- Developer Guide - Learn how to compile Animatoon yourself (not finished).
The default tileSet Image are from Michele "Buch" Bucelli (https://opengameart.org/users/buch)
Fred and Purebasic Team, Users of purebasic ;)...
Please read the licence information before to use it.