Falling Triangles Mobile/Web Game
Play the game here: https://blakewright.itch.io/falling-triangles
Falling Triangles is a 2D game where the user is a circle on the bottom of the screen that can move horizontally and jump vertically. There are platforms that spawn in and out which the user can use to jump on or hide under, with the objective to avoid the falling triangles for as long as possible. As time passes, triangles will fall faster and faster increasing the difficulty of the game. A local highscore is saved based on how many seconds the user survived before being hit by a triangle.
The game can be ported for mobile, web or pc. The only modifications needed for changing devices are the controls in the PlayerMove.cs file in functions Update and HandleJump where marked by comments. The joystick should also be toggled on/off in the Unity scene editor.
This game was developed using the Unity Game Engine and all scripts were written in C#.
All artwork, scripts and other game design and development were done by Blake Wright.