Welcome to Zero to Cloud in 90 Days with Chef, based on the training material for the class Chef Fundamentals by Opscode. The materials themselves are written in plain text "Markdown" format, and presented using the "ShowOff" Ruby-based presentation application.
The rest of this file is largely carried over unchanged.
If you're seeing this at http://localhost:9090, you need to run the
command from the slides
- Ruby 1.8.7+
- RubyGems 1.3.7+
- Rake
- libxml2 and libxslt development headers (e.g., libxml2-dev and libxslt-dev on Debian/Ubuntu).
gem install bundler
bundle install
rake present # runs bundle exec showoff serve in the slides dir
Depending on how your local system's Ruby was installed, you may need
to use sudo
to run gem install
and bundle install
. You may also
need to use bundle exec showoff serve
in the slides
directory to
run the presentation, though the rake task should handle this already.
Two URLs are available:
- http://localhost:9090 - "student" view of the slides
- http://localhost:9090 - "presenter" view of the slides
When presenting the materials as an instructor, use the "presenter" view. This will also pop up a second browser window that will advance with the presenter window. To move forward and back, use the arrow keys. Down/Right go forward, Up/Left go backward. Spacebar will also advance slides forward.
The source materials in the slides
directory are set up as a showoff
project. As such, the showoff
gem is required. In order to generate
PDFs with showoff, the pdfkit
gem is installed.
Most of the action happens in the slides directory.
This is spartan and will be embellished.
- Create sections as directories.
- Use PNGs for images.
- Directory names should be lower case words as a title, "getting-started"
- Each directory should have a 01_slide.md, multiple sections may be broken up later.
See the instructor-setup.md
guide in the guides directory for
information on how to set up the lab environments for students to use
in the hands on portion of the course.
http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax https://github.com/schacon/showoff
See CONTRIBUTING for information on how you can contribute changes to these materials.
See LICENSE for licensing of these materials and how you may use them.
Joshua Timberman joshua@opscode.com Aaron Peterson aaron@opscode.com Brad Knowles bknowles@ihiji.com