Bidirectional Interface between homee and MQTT, which allows you to read and set states of device types managed in the Smart Home Gateway "homee" (
This tool is still in alpha state. The source is based on parts from following github projects:
- stfnhmplr/homebridge-homee
- stfnhmplr/node-red-contrib-homee
This tool uses a non official API from Codeatelier GmbH for the Smart Home Gateway "homee", which is subject to change at all times.
This tool publish state changes of homee to MQTT and subcribes topics to change state of OnOff switches via MQTT.
MQTT messages are easily to subscribe in Node-Red, Homebridge, or other gateways with MQTT clients.
Just clone the repository (via git clone URL of this project) and change to the directory of the cloned repository. Install all dependencies with:
npm i
and run with:
node app.js
You can optionally use the install scripts in the "rasperry" directory to either install homeeToMQTT and/or install the needed MQTT broker/server (Mosquito) on a RaspBerry PI. Adapt the UserNames and the hostnames in the file itself or change later on in the config.json described below.
homeeToMqtt looks for config.json in following order:
- actual directory
- /etc/homeeToMqtt
- installed directory
Create a config.json in the desired folder as the app and adjust it to your needs
# use your username (adding an own user for MQTT is a good idea)
"homeeUserName": "mqtt",
# use the password of the above user
"homeePassword": "mqtt",
# use the hostname or IP of your homee here, ensure it has a static IP oif IP-adress is used
"homeeServer": "",
# use the hostname or IP of your MQTT server/broker here (might also be localhost if on the same machine)
"mqttServer": "",
# Use the defined user name for the MQTT server in use (might be left blank "" if no username is set)
"mqttUserName": "mqtt",
# use the password for the defined user for the MQTT server in use (leave blank "" if no username/pw is set)
"mqttPassword": "mqtt",
# publish homee states to mqtt as json, leave as is, unless you know better
"publish": true,
# publish homee states to mqtt in a human readable fashion, leave as is, unless you know better
"publishHuman": true,
# publish homee states to mqtt as single int value, leave as is, unless you know better
"publishInt": false,
# publish homee states to mqtt as boolen string value (True,False), leave as is, unless you know better
"publishBool": true,
# subscribe to mqtt topics, leave as is, unless you know better
"subscribe": true,
# subscribe to mqtt human fashion mqtt topics, leave as is, unless you know better
"subscribeHuman": true,
# path after homee for this mode
"identifier": "devices/status/",
# path after homee for this mode
"identifierHuman": "human/",
# path after homee for this mode
"identifierInt": "devices/int/",
# path after homee for this mode
"identifierBool": "devices/bool/",
# request full homee states every status timer seconds
"homeeStatusRepeat": true,
"statusTimer": 180
technical mode:
or for human mode:
or for int mode:
homee/devices/int/[DeviceId]/bool/[AttributeId] 1
or for bool mode:
homee/devices/bool/[DeviceId]/attributes/[AttributeId] True
technical mode:
"name":"Büro Panel Gang",
"note":"# IKEA FLOALT LED light panel"
technical mode:
human mode: