SwiftyStoreKit is a lightweight In App Purchases framework for iOS 8.0+, tvOS 9.0+ and macOS 10.10+.
Got issues / pull requests / want to contribute? Read here.
Apple recommends to register a transaction observer as soon as the app starts:
Adding your app's observer at launch ensures that it will persist during all launches of your app, thus allowing your app to receive all the payment queue notifications.
SwiftyStoreKit supports this by calling completeTransactions()
when the app starts:
func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {
SwiftyStoreKit.completeTransactions(atomically: true) { purchases in
for purchase in purchases {
if purchase.transaction.transactionState == .purchased || purchase.transaction.transactionState == .restored {
if purchase.needsFinishTransaction {
// Deliver content from server, then:
print("purchased: \(purchase)")
return true
If there are any pending transactions at this point, these will be reported by the completion block so that the app state and UI can be updated.
If there are no pending transactions, the completion block will not be called.
Note that completeTransactions()
should only be called once in your code, in application(:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:)
SwiftyStoreKit.retrieveProductsInfo(["com.musevisions.SwiftyStoreKit.Purchase1"]) { result in
if let product = result.retrievedProducts.first {
let priceString = product.localizedPrice!
print("Product: \(product.localizedDescription), price: \(priceString)")
else if let invalidProductId = result.invalidProductIDs.first {
return alertWithTitle("Could not retrieve product info", message: "Invalid product identifier: \(invalidProductId)")
else {
print("Error: \(result.error)")
- Atomic: to be used when the content is delivered immediately.
SwiftyStoreKit.purchaseProduct("com.musevisions.SwiftyStoreKit.Purchase1", quantity: 1, atomically: true) { result in
switch result {
case .success(let purchase):
print("Purchase Success: \(purchase.productId)")
case .error(let error):
switch error.code {
case .unknown: print("Unknown error. Please contact support")
case .clientInvalid: print("Not allowed to make the payment")
case .paymentCancelled: break
case .paymentInvalid: print("The purchase identifier was invalid")
case .paymentNotAllowed: print("The device is not allowed to make the payment")
case .storeProductNotAvailable: print("The product is not available in the current storefront")
case .cloudServicePermissionDenied: print("Access to cloud service information is not allowed")
case .cloudServiceNetworkConnectionFailed: print("Could not connect to the network")
case .cloudServiceRevoked: print("User has revoked permission to use this cloud service")
- Non-Atomic: to be used when the content is delivered by the server.
SwiftyStoreKit.purchaseProduct("com.musevisions.SwiftyStoreKit.Purchase1", quantity: 1, atomically: false) { result in
switch result {
case .success(let product):
// fetch content from your server, then:
if product.needsFinishTransaction {
print("Purchase Success: \(product.productId)")
case .error(let error):
switch error.code {
case .unknown: print("Unknown error. Please contact support")
case .clientInvalid: print("Not allowed to make the payment")
case .paymentCancelled: break
case .paymentInvalid: print("The purchase identifier was invalid")
case .paymentNotAllowed: print("The device is not allowed to make the payment")
case .storeProductNotAvailable: print("The product is not available in the current storefront")
case .cloudServicePermissionDenied: print("Access to cloud service information is not allowed")
case .cloudServiceNetworkConnectionFailed: print("Could not connect to the network")
case .cloudServiceRevoked: print("User has revoked permission to use this cloud service")
According to Apple - Restoring Purchased Products:
In most cases, all your app needs to do is refresh its receipt and deliver the products in its receipt. The refreshed receipt contains a record of the user’s purchases in this app, on this device or any other device.
Restoring completed transactions creates a new transaction for every completed transaction the user made, essentially replaying history for your transaction queue observer.
See the Receipt Verification section below for how to restore previous purchases using the receipt.
This section shows how to restore completed transactions with the restorePurchases
method instead.
- Atomic: to be used when the content is delivered immediately.
SwiftyStoreKit.restorePurchases(atomically: true) { results in
if results.restoreFailedPurchases.count > 0 {
print("Restore Failed: \(results.restoreFailedPurchases)")
else if results.restoredPurchases.count > 0 {
print("Restore Success: \(results.restoredPurchases")
else {
print("Nothing to Restore")
- Non-Atomic: to be used when the content is delivered by the server.
SwiftyStoreKit.restorePurchases(atomically: false) { results in
if results.restoreFailedPurchases.count > 0 {
print("Restore Failed: \(results.restoreFailedPurchases)")
else if results.restoredPurchases.count > 0 {
for purchase in results.restoredPurchases {
// fetch content from your server, then:
if purchase.needsFinishTransaction {
print("Restore Success: \(results.restoredPurchases)")
else {
print("Nothing to Restore")
When you purchase a product the following things happen:
- A payment is added to the payment queue for your IAP.
- When the payment has been processed with Apple, the payment queue is updated so that the appropriate transaction can be handled.
- If the transaction state is purchased or restored, the app can unlock the functionality purchased by the user.
- The app should call
to complete the purchase.
This is what is recommended by Apple:
Your application should call
only after it has successfully processed the transaction and unlocked the functionality purchased by the user.
A purchase is atomic when the app unlocks the functionality purchased by the user immediately and call
at the same time. This is desirable if you're unlocking functionality that is already inside the app. -
In cases when you need to make a request to your own server in order to unlock the functionality, you can use a non-atomic purchase instead.
Note: SwiftyStoreKit doesn't yet support downloading content hosted by Apple for non-consumable products. See this feature request.
SwiftyStoreKit provides three operations that can be performed atomically or non-atomically:
- Making a purchase
- Restoring purchases
- Completing transactions on app launch
According to Apple - Delivering Products:
The app receipt contains a record of the user’s purchases, cryptographically signed by Apple. For more information, see Receipt Validation Programming Guide.
Information about consumable products is added to the receipt when they’re paid for and remains in the receipt until you finish the transaction. After you finish the transaction, this information is removed the next time the receipt is updated—for example, the next time the user makes a purchase.
Information about all other kinds of purchases is added to the receipt when they’re paid for and remains in the receipt indefinitely.
When an app is first installed, the app receipt is missing.
As soon as a user completes a purchase or restores purchases, StoreKit creates and stores the receipt locally as a file.
As the local receipt is always encrypted, a verification step is needed to get all the receipt fields in readable form.
This is done with a verifyReceipt
method which does two things:
- If the receipt is missing, refresh it
- If the receipt is available or is refreshed, validate it
Receipt validation can be done remotely with Apple via the AppleReceiptValidator
class, or with a client-supplied validator conforming to the ReceiptValidator
- If the local receipt is missing when calling
, a network call is made to refresh it. - If the user is not logged to the App Store, StoreKit will present a popup asking to Sign In to the iTunes Store.
- If the user enters valid credentials, the receipt will be refreshed and verified.
- If the user cancels, receipt refresh will fail with a Cannot connect to iTunes Store error.
- Using
(see below) does remote receipt validation and also results in a network call. - Local receipt validation is not implemented (see issue #101 for details).
let receiptData = SwiftyStoreKit.localReceiptData
let receiptString = receiptData.base64EncodedString(options: [])
// do your receipt validation here
let appleValidator = AppleReceiptValidator(service: .production)
SwiftyStoreKit.verifyReceipt(using: appleValidator, password: "your-shared-secret") { result in
switch result {
case .success(let receipt):
print("Verify receipt Success: \(receipt)")
case .error(let error):
print("Verify receipt Failed: \(error)")
Once you have retrieved the receipt using the verifyReceipt
method, you can verify your purchases and subscriptions by product identifier.
Verifying multiple purchases and subscriptions in one call is not yet supported (see issue #194 for more details).
If you need to verify multiple purchases / subscriptions, you can either:
- manually parse the receipt dictionary returned by
- call
multiple times with different product identifiers
let appleValidator = AppleReceiptValidator(service: .production)
SwiftyStoreKit.verifyReceipt(using: appleValidator, password: "your-shared-secret") { result in
switch result {
case .success(let receipt):
// Verify the purchase of Consumable or NonConsumable
let purchaseResult = SwiftyStoreKit.verifyPurchase(
productId: "com.musevisions.SwiftyStoreKit.Purchase1",
inReceipt: receipt)
switch purchaseResult {
case .purchased(let receiptItem):
print("Product is purchased: \(receiptItem)")
case .notPurchased:
print("The user has never purchased this product")
case .error(let error):
print("Receipt verification failed: \(error)")
Note that for consumable products, the receipt will only include the information for a couple of minutes after the purchase.
This can be used to check if a subscription was previously purchased, and whether it is still active or if it's expired.
From Apple - Working with Subscriptions:
keep a record of the date that each piece of content is published. Read the Original Purchase Date and Subscription Expiration Date field from each receipt entry to determine the start and end dates of the subscription.
When one or more subscriptions are found for a given product id, they are returned as a ReceiptItem
array ordered by expiryDate
, with the first one being the newest.
let appleValidator = AppleReceiptValidator(service: .production)
SwiftyStoreKit.verifyReceipt(using: appleValidator, password: "your-shared-secret") { result in
switch result {
case .success(let receipt):
// Verify the purchase of a Subscription
let purchaseResult = SwiftyStoreKit.verifySubscription(
type: .autoRenewable, // or .nonRenewing (see below)
productId: "com.musevisions.SwiftyStoreKit.Subscription",
inReceipt: receipt)
switch purchaseResult {
case .purchased(let expiryDate, let receiptItems):
print("Product is valid until \(expiryDate)")
case .expired(let expiryDate, let receiptItems):
print("Product is expired since \(expiryDate)")
case .notPurchased:
print("The user has never purchased this product")
case .error(let error):
print("Receipt verification failed: \(error)")
let purchaseResult = SwiftyStoreKit.verifySubscription(
type: .autoRenewable,
productId: "com.musevisions.SwiftyStoreKit.Subscription",
inReceipt: receipt)
// validDuration: time interval in seconds
let purchaseResult = SwiftyStoreKit.verifySubscription(
type: .nonRenewing(validDuration: 3600 * 24 * 30),
productId: "com.musevisions.SwiftyStoreKit.Subscription",
inReceipt: receipt)
- The expiration dates are calculated against the receipt date. This is the date of the last successful call to
. - When purchasing subscriptions in sandbox mode, the expiry dates are set just minutes after the purchase date for testing purposes.
The verifySubscription
method can be used together with the purchaseProduct
method to purchase a subscription and check its expiration date, like so:
let productId = "your-product-id"
SwiftyStoreKit.purchaseProduct(productId, atomically: true) { result in
if case .success(let purchase) = result {
// Deliver content from server, then:
if purchase.needsFinishTransaction {
let appleValidator = AppleReceiptValidator(service: .production)
SwiftyStoreKit.verifyReceipt(using: appleValidator, password: "your-shared-secret") { result in
if case .success(let receipt) = result {
let purchaseResult = SwiftyStoreKit.verifySubscription(
type: .autoRenewable,
productId: productId,
inReceipt: receipt)
switch purchaseResult {
case .purchased(let expiryDate, let receiptItems):
print("Product is valid until \(expiryDate)")
case .expired(let expiryDate, let receiptItems):
print("Product is expired since \(expiryDate)")
case .notPurchased:
print("This product has never been purchased")
} else {
// receipt verification error
} else {
// purchase error
The framework provides a simple block based API with robust error handling on top of the existing StoreKit framework. It does NOT persist in app purchases data locally. It is up to clients to do this with a storage solution of choice (i.e. NSUserDefaults, CoreData, Keychain).
SwiftyStoreKit can be installed as a CocoaPod and builds as a Swift framework. To install, include this in your Podfile.
pod 'SwiftyStoreKit'
Once installed, just import SwiftyStoreKit
in your classes and you're good to go.
To integrate SwiftyStoreKit into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:
github "bizz84/SwiftyStoreKit"
NOTE: Please ensure that you have the latest Carthage installed.
Language | Branch | Pod version | Xcode version |
Swift 3.0 | master | >= 0.5.x | Xcode 8 or greater |
Swift 2.3 | swift-2.3 | 0.4.x | Xcode 8, Xcode 7.3.x |
Swift 2.2 | swift-2.2 | 0.3.x | Xcode 7.3.x |
See the Releases Page
The project includes demo apps for iOS and macOS showing how to use SwiftyStoreKit. Note that the pre-registered in app purchases in the demo apps are for illustration purposes only and may not work as iTunes Connect may invalidate them.
- Super easy to use block based API
- Support for consumable, non-consumable in-app purchases
- Support for free, auto renewable and non renewing subscriptions
- Receipt verification
- iOS, tvOS and macOS compatible
- Apple - WWDC16, Session 702: Using Store Kit for In-app Purchases with Swift 3
- Apple - TN2387: In-App Purchase Best Practices
- Apple - About Receipt Validation
- Apple - Receipt Validation Programming Guide
- Apple - Validating Receipts Locally
- Apple - Working with Subscriptions
- Apple - Offering Subscriptions
- Apple - Restoring Purchased Products
- objc.io - Receipt Validation
- Apple TN 2413 - Why are my product identifiers being returned in the invalidProductIdentifiers array?
- Invalid Product IDs: Checklist of common mistakes
I have also written about building SwiftyStoreKit on Medium:
In order to make a purchase, two operations are needed:
Perform a
to obtain theSKProduct
corresponding to the product identifier. -
Submit the payment and listen for updated transactions on the
The framework takes care of caching SKProducts so that future requests for the same SKProduct
don't need to perform a new SKProductRequest
The following list outlines how requests are processed by SwiftyStoreKit.
is used to queue payments or restore purchases requests.- Payments are processed serially and in-order and require user interaction.
- Restore purchases requests don't require user interaction and can jump ahead of the queue.
rejects multiple restore purchases calls.- Failed transactions only ever belong to queued payment requests.
is always called when a restore purchases request fails.paymentQueueRestoreCompletedTransactionsFinished
is always called following 0 or more update transactions when a restore purchases request succeeds.- A complete transactions handler is require to catch any transactions that are updated when the app is not running.
- Registering a complete transactions handler when the app launches ensures that any pending transactions can be cleared.
- If a complete transactions handler is missing, pending transactions can be mis-attributed to any new incoming payments or restore purchases.
The order in which transaction updates are processed is:
- payments (transactionState:
for matching product identifiers) - restore purchases (transactionState:
, orrestoreCompletedTransactionsFailedWithError
, orpaymentQueueRestoreCompletedTransactionsFinished
) - complete transactions (transactionState:
Any transactions where state is .purchasing
are ignored.
See this pull request for full details about how the payment flows have been implemented.
Many thanks to phimage for adding macOS support and receipt verification.
It would be great to showcase apps using SwiftyStoreKit here. Pull requests welcome :)
- MDacne - Acne analysis and treatment
- Pixel Picker - Image Color Picker
- KType - Space shooter game
- iPic - Automatically upload images and save Markdown links
- iHosts - Perfect for editing /etc/hosts
- Arise - Calorie counter
- Truth Truth Lie - iMessage game, featured by Apple
- Tactus Music Player - Alternative music player app
- Drops - Language learning app
- Fresh Snow - Colorado Ski Report
- Zmeu Grand Canyon - Interactive hiking map & planner
Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Andrea Bizzotto bizz84@gmail.com
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.