All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
0.10.0 verifyReceipt
now automatically refreshes the receipt if needed
This release simplifies the receipt verification flows by removing the refreshReceipt
method from the public API.
Now clients only need to call verifyReceipt
and the receipt is refreshed internally if needed.
Addressed in #213, related issue: #42.
The documentation in the README and various methods has also been considerably improved.
0.9.3 Dispatch callbacks on main thread on macOS
This is a minor release to ensure callbacks are dispatched on the main thread on macOS.
0.9.2 Fix for failing receipt verification due to missing optional field
This is a critical fix for #208.
If you're using release 0.9.0, please update.
0.9.1 Expose SKProduct in PurchaseDetails type returned by PurchaseResult
This is a minor release which includes a fix for #185 (addressed in #206). Summary:
When a purchase succeeds, it is desirable to get access to the purchased SKProduct
in the completion block, so that it's possible to query the price
and other properties.
With this change, this is now possible:
SwiftyStoreKit.purchaseProduct("productId", atomically: true) { result in
if case .success(let purchase) = result {
// Deliver content from server, then:
if purchase.needsFinishTransaction {
print("Purchased product with price: \(purchase.product.price)")
0.9.0 Verify Subscription improvements + added quantity and originalTransaction to Payment
NOTE This release introduces some API breaking changes (see #202). Change-set:
#198: Subscription verification unit tests
This change introduces a new strong-typed ReceiptItem
public struct ReceiptItem {
// The product identifier of the item that was purchased. This value corresponds to the productIdentifier property of the SKPayment object stored in the transaction’s payment property.
public let productId: String
// The number of items purchased. This value corresponds to the quantity property of the SKPayment object stored in the transaction’s payment property.
public let quantity: Int
// The transaction identifier of the item that was purchased. This value corresponds to the transaction’s transactionIdentifier property.
public let transactionId: String
// For a transaction that restores a previous transaction, the transaction identifier of the original transaction. Otherwise, identical to the transaction identifier. This value corresponds to the original transaction’s transactionIdentifier property. All receipts in a chain of renewals for an auto-renewable subscription have the same value for this field.
public let originalTransactionId: String
// The date and time that the item was purchased. This value corresponds to the transaction’s transactionDate property.
public let purchaseDate: Date
// For a transaction that restores a previous transaction, the date of the original transaction. This value corresponds to the original transaction’s transactionDate property. In an auto-renewable subscription receipt, this indicates the beginning of the subscription period, even if the subscription has been renewed.
public let originalPurchaseDate: Date
// The primary key for identifying subscription purchases.
public let webOrderLineItemId: String
// The expiration date for the subscription, expressed as the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT. This key is only present for auto-renewable subscription receipts.
public let subscriptionExpirationDate: Date?
// For a transaction that was canceled by Apple customer support, the time and date of the cancellation. Treat a canceled receipt the same as if no purchase had ever been made.
public let cancellationDate: Date?
public let isTrialPeriod: Bool
This is parsed from the receipt and returned as part of the verifySubscription
and verifyPurchase
// Result for Consumable and NonConsumable
public enum VerifyPurchaseResult {
case purchased(item: ReceiptItem)
case notPurchased
// Verify subscription result
public enum VerifySubscriptionResult {
case purchased(expiryDate: Date, items: [ReceiptItem])
case expired(expiryDate: Date, items: [ReceiptItem])
case notPurchased
Note that when one or more subscriptions are found for a given product id, they are returned as a ReceiptItem
array ordered by expiryDate
, with the first one being the newest.
This is useful to get all the valid date ranges for a given subscription.
#202 (fix for #200): It's now possible to specify the quantity when making a purchase. Quantity is also accessible in the callback.
public struct Purchase {
public let productId: String
public let quantity: Int
public let transaction: PaymentTransaction
public let needsFinishTransaction: Bool
public enum PurchaseResult {
//case success(product: Product) // old
case success(purchase: Purchase) // new
case error(error: SKError)
public struct RestoreResults {
//public let restoredProducts: [Product] // old
//public let restoreFailedProducts: [(SKError, String?)] // old
public let restoredPurchases: [Purchase] // new
public let restoreFailedPurchases: [(SKError, String?)] // new