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[BRE-511] Add example workflow templates to gh-actions repo (#360)
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* Example file for Scan workflow

* adding second example workflow

* documenting some options not used in this workflow

* adding example of not running on draft PRs

* removing some potentially harmful default features and documenting why

* adding a more concise example for ci runs

* included glossary-style workflow example and removed bad build example
  • Loading branch information
AmyLGalles authored Jan 24, 2025
1 parent 613e57f commit 6805e6a
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Showing 3 changed files with 271 additions and 0 deletions.
52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions .github/templates/workflow-templates/ci.yaml
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# Workflow templates are based on starter workflows provided by github at
# and customized to
# represent common practices used on Bitwarden repositories.

name: CI

workflow_dispatch: # Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab
pull_request: # When a pull request event occurs

permissions: # Sets permissions of the GITHUB_TOKEN
checks: write # Permits an action to create a check run
contents: read # For actions to fetch code and list commits
id-token: write # Required to fetch an OpenID Connect (OIDC) token
pull-requests: write # Permits an action to add a label to a pull request

name: Calculate version
uses: ./.github/workflows/_version.yml # Path to an existing github action

name: Run test
uses: ./.github/workflows/_test.yml
with: # Parameters specific to this action that need to be defined in order for the step to be completed
project-name: Billing.Test
project-path: ./test/Billing.Test

name: Run build
needs: # This job will not run until test and version jobs are complete
- test
- version
uses: ./.github/workflows/_build.yml
project-name: Billing
project-path: ./src/Billing
version: ${{ needs.version.outputs.version }}

name: Build Docker image
- test
- version
- build
uses: ./.github/workflows/_docker.yml
project-name: Billing
project-path: ./src/Billing
version: ${{ needs.version.outputs.version }}
image-name: billing-relay
push-docker-image: false
107 changes: 107 additions & 0 deletions .github/templates/workflow-templates/example.yml
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# Workflow templates are based on starter workflows provided by github at
# and customized to
# represent common practices used on ACME repositories.

# This imaginary workflow runs two steps and illustrates a number of options that we use throughout workflows in the Bitwarden repositories

name: Build

on: # Describes when to run the workflow

workflow_dispatch: # When triggered manually

push: # On push to the following branches. Temporarily add a development branch to prompt workflow runs for troubleshooting
branches: ["main", "rc", "hotfix-rc"]
paths-ignore: # Updates to these directories or files will not trigger a workflow run
- ".github/workflows/**"

# Pull_request_target: #We strongly discourage using this unless absolutely necessary as it requires access to certain Github secrets.
# If using this, include the .github/workflows/check-run.yml job as
# More info at

pull_request: # When a pull request event occurs
types: [opened, synchronize, unlabeled, labeled, unlabeled, reopened, edited]
branches: ["main"] # Branches where a pull request will trigger the workflow
- ".github/workflows/**"

release: # Runs your workflow when release activity in your repository occurs
- [published, created]

merge_group: # Runs required status checks on merge groups created by merge queue
types: [checks_requested]

repository_dispatch: # Runs when a webook event triggers a workflow from outside of github
types: [contentful-publish] # Optional, limit repository dispatch events to those in a specified list

workflow_call: # Workflow can be called by another workflow

env: # Environment variables set for this step but not accessible by all workflows, steps or jobs.
INCREMENTAL: "${{ contains(github.event_name, 'pull_request') && '--sast-incremental' || '' }}"
VERSION: ${{ inputs.version }}

jobs: # A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel

name: First Job Name
if: github.event.pull_request.draft == false # prevent part of a job from running on a draft PR
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04 # The type of runner that the job will run on
strategy: # Create multiple job runs for each of a set of variables
fail-fast: false # If true, cancel entire run if any job in the matrix fails
matrix: # Matrix of variables used to define multiple job runs
- project_name: Admin
base_path: ./src
node: true # Enables steps with if: ${{ matrix.node }}

permissions: # Sets permissions of the GITHUB_TOKEN
security-events: write # Allow actions to upload results to Github
id-token: write # Required to fetch an OpenID Connect (OIDC) token
contents: read # For actions/checkout to fetch code
deployments: write # Permits an action to create a new deployment
issues: write # Permits an action to create a new issue
checks: write # Permits an action to create a check run
actions: write # Permits an action to cancel a workflow run
packages: read # Permits an action to access packages on GitHub Packages
pull-requests: write # Permits an action to add a label to a pull request
run: # Set the default shell and working directory
shell: bash
working-directory: "home/WorkingDirectory"
secrets: inherit # When called by another workflow, pass all the calling workflow's secrets to the called workflow

- name: Descriptive step name
# NOT RECOMMENDED if: always() # run even if previous steps failed or the workflow is canceled, this can cause a workflow run to hang indefinitely
# if: failure() # run when any previous step of a job fails
# if: '!cancelled()' # run even if previous steps failed

# Always pin a public action version to a full git SHA, followed by the version number in a comment. Version pins are insecure and can introduce vulnerabilities into workflows.
uses: actions/checkout@11bd71901bbsdflakceea73d27597364c9af683 # v4.2.2
with: # Parameters specific to this action that need to be defined in order for the step to be completed
fetch-depth: 0 # Full git history for actions that rely on whether a change has occurred
ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
creds: ${{ secrets.SECRETS_OR_CREDENTIALS }}
- name: Another descriptive step name
if: ${{ matrix.node }}
# Run a script instead of an existing github action
run: |
dotnet --info
node --version
npm --version
echo "GitHub ref: $GITHUB_REF"
echo "GitHub event: $GITHUB_EVENT"
# This job is relatively simple and just imports a previously written action to be used in this workflow
name: Second Job Name
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
uses: bitwarden/gh-actions/.github/workflows/action-name.yml@main # Location and branch of bitwarden-owned action being used
- first-job # This job will wait until first-job completes
112 changes: 112 additions & 0 deletions .github/templates/workflow-templates/scan.yml
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@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
# Workflow templates are based on starter workflows provided by github at
# and customized to
# represent common practices used on Bitwarden repositories.

# The Scan Workflow enables you to trigger SAST and quality scans directly
# From the GitHub workflow.

name: Scan

# Controls when the workflow will run

# Can use other triggers such as multiple events, activity types and fiters:
workflow_dispatch: # When triggered manually

push: # On push to the following branches. Temporarily add a development branch to prompt workflow runs for troubleshooting
- "main"
- "rc"
- "hotfix-rc"
pull_request_target: # When a pull request event occurs. Default is opened or reopened unless otherwise specified, as below:
types: [opened, synchronize] # Other options include labeled, unlabeled, reopened

# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
# This workflow contains the jobs "check-run", "sast", and "quality"
# This job is relatively simple and just imports a previously written action to be used in this workflow
check-run: # You set this value with the name of the job you're describing
name: Check PR run # Human readable descriptor
uses: bitwarden/gh-actions/.github/workflows/check-run.yml@main # location and branch of bitwarden-owned action being used

# A more complex job that has multiple actions as steps described below
name: SAST scan
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04 # The type of runner that the job will run on
needs: check-run # This job will wait until check-run completes
permissions: # Sets permissions of the GITHUB_TOKEN
contents: read # For actions/checkout to fetch code
pull-requests: write # For github actions to upload feedback to PR
security-events: write # For github/codeql-action/upload-sarif to upload SARIF results

# Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job
- name: Check out repo
# Always pin a public action version to a full git SHA. Version pins are insecure and can introduce vulnerabilities into workflows.
uses: actions/checkout@11bd71901bbe5b1630ceea73d27597364c9af683 # v4.2.2
with: # Parameters specific to this action that need to be defined in order for the step to be completed
ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}

- name: Scan with Checkmarx
if: github.event.pull_request.draft == false # Prevent part of a job from running on a draft PR
uses: checkmarx/ast-github-action@f0869bd1a37fddc06499a096101e6c900e815d81 # 2.0.36
env: # Environment variables set for this step but not accessible by all workflows, steps or jobs
INCREMENTAL: "${{ contains(github.event_name, 'pull_request') && '--sast-incremental' || '' }}"
project_name: ${{ github.repository }}
cx_tenant: ${{ secrets.CHECKMARX_TENANT }}
cx_client_id: ${{ secrets.CHECKMARX_CLIENT_ID }}
cx_client_secret: ${{ secrets.CHECKMARX_SECRET }}
additional_params: |
--report-format sarif \
--output-path . ${{ env.INCREMENTAL }}
- name: Upload Checkmarx results to GitHub
uses: github/codeql-action/upload-sarif@662472033e021d55d94146f66f6058822b0b39fd # v3.27.0
sarif_file: cx_result.sarif

name: Quality scan
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
needs: check-run
contents: read
pull-requests: write

# Set up whatever resources your environment will need to run workflows on your code
- name: Set up JDK 17
uses: actions/setup-java@8df1039502a15bceb9433410b1a100fbe190c53b # v4.5.0
java-version: 17
distribution: "zulu"
# This step checks out a copy of your repository
- name: Check out repo
uses: actions/checkout@11bd71901bbe5b1630ceea73d27597364c9af683 # v4.2.2
fetch-depth: 0 # Full git history for actions that rely on whether a change has occurred
ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}

- name: Set up .NET
uses: actions/setup-dotnet@3e891b0cb619bf60e2c25674b222b8940e2c1c25 # v4.1.0
# Install a tool without a Github Action
- name: Install SonarCloud scanner
run: dotnet tool install dotnet-sonarscanner -g

- name: Scan with SonarCloud
# Additional scripts to run outside of a Github Action
run: |
dotnet-sonarscanner begin /k:"${{ github.repository_owner }}_${{ }}" \
/d:sonar.test.inclusions=test/,bitwarden_license/test/ \
/d:sonar.exclusions=test/,bitwarden_license/test/ \
/o:"${{ github.repository_owner }}" /d:sonar.token="${{ secrets.SONAR_TOKEN }}" \
dotnet build
dotnet-sonarscanner end /d:sonar.token="${{ secrets.SONAR_TOKEN }}"

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