Bitcoin P2P Network Library
master(linux/osx) | conan-build-win(linux/osx) | master(windows) | conan-build-win(windows) |
Make sure you have installed bitprim-core beforehand according to its build instructions.
$ git clone
$ cd bitprim-network
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ make -j2
$ sudo make install
bitprim-network is now installed in /usr/local/
About Bitprim Network
Bitprim Network is a partial implementation of the Bitcoin P2P network protocol. Excluded are all protocols that require access to a blockchain. The bitprim-node library extends the P2P networking capability and incorporates bitprim-blockchain in order to implement a full node. The bitprim-explorer library uses the P2P networking capability to post transactions to the P2P network.