A simple headless toast queueing and auto-dismissing solution for React 18+. The toast comes out plain; you add your own toppings.
Other toast libraries do too much and end up with tons of bugs. react-dry-toast does what it needs to and leaves the styling up to you completely. As you can see in step 1, it doesn't even render a container, so you decide where it goes without any bloat.
If you'd like to see an example, check it out live on https://gitsell.dev.
- Put your Toaster where you want your toasts come out of when they're ready:
import { Toaster } from "react-dry-toast";
<ul className="z-50 fixed flex flex-col gap-1.5 bottom-4 left-4 max-w-[calc(100%-var(--spacing-8))]">
<Toaster />
- Make some toast:
import { toast } from "react-dry-toast";
toast((props) => <li {...props}>Dry</li>);
- Toasts automatically have a 7-second timeout. You can remove it:
import { toast } from "react-dry-toast";
toast((props) => <li {...props}>Dry</li>, 0);
- You can put a "close" button in your toast:
import { toast } from "react-dry-toast";
// Note you still need to pass `props.onClose` to the enclosing element which is why it's not destructured
toast((props) => <li {...props}><button onClick={props.onClose}>Close</button></li>, 0);
- If making toast in an effect, make sure to clean up for strict mode:
import { toast } from "react-dry-toast";
useEffect(() => {
const id = toast((props) => <li {...props}><button onClick={props.onClose}>Close</button></li>, 0);
return () => toast.dismiss(id);
}, []);
- Add tests