Create file indexer with a top-level directory and call index(). Will return an array of file paths and stats for each file. Provides a "middleware" function to intercept each file and modify the object, or optionally remove the item.
npm install courtship
Creation and indexing:
var courtship = require("courtship");
var indexer = courtship("./");
indexer.index().then(function(results) {
// results is an array of { path, stat }
var indexer = courtship("./");
indexer.use(function(file) {
file.somevalue = file.path + ; // Insert extra data
If the middleware function explicitly returns false, that item is filtered out:
var indexer = courtship("./");
indexer.use(function(file) {
return file.stat.isFile(); // Return files only
var minimatch = require("minimatch");
indexer.use(function(file) {
return minimatch(file.path, "**/*.js") // javascript only