#DFTA DFTA implements an optimised algorithm for Determinisation and Completion of Finite Tree Automata.
DFTA is written in Java and is developed using Netbeans IDE (8.0.1) and uses JRE 8.
java -jar DFTA.jar
The input is a file containing an FTA
An FTA is specified as:
Final States < states separated by space >. Transitions.
functorName(< states separated by comma >) -> <state>.
For example:
Final States q47 q5.
yblack(q1,q19) -> q22. yblack(q9,q9) -> q18.
##Reference An Optimised Algorithm for Determinisation and Completion of Finite Tree Automata. by John P. Gallagher, Mai Ajspur and Bishoksan Kafle. http://arxiv.org/abs/1511.03595
John Gallagher (jpg@ruc.dk)