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Analyze rupture force spectra from single-molecule force spectroscopy experiments to extract disassociation rates and parameters characterizing the free-energy profile underlying the bond.


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This package provides a robust framework to analyze rupture force data from single-molecule force spectroscopy experiments. It includes a systematic protocol for trimming unwanted outliers and an efficient maximum likelihood estimator, based on the Dudko-Hummer-Szabo (DHS) bond rupture model, to extract parameters characterizing the free-energy landscape of the bond and the force-free disassociation rate.

For more details on the theoretical framework, please refer to the associated publication:

W. Cai, J. T. Bullerjahn, M. Lallemang, K. Kroy, B. N. Balzer, and T. Hugel, "Angle-dependent strength of a single chemical bond by stereographic force spectroscopy", Chemical Science 13, 5734-5740 (2022).

The code makes use of the DHS model of forcible bond rupture, which was originally published in:

O. K. Dudko, G. Hummer, and A. Szabo, "Intrinsic rates and activation free energies from single-molecule pulling experiments", Physical Review Letters 96, 108101 (2006).

Please cite the references above if you use ForceSpectroscopyMLE to analyze your data.

Try without installation

Click this link to run the pipeline_example.ipynb notebook in a cloud environment.

You can either analyze the data sets found in examples/mock_data/ or upload your own. The interactive session is only temporary and files will be deleted after termination (File -> Shut Down).

Important: Please shut down JupyterLab properly after use via the drop-down menu (File -> Shut Down) to free resources for other users.


The package is written in the open-source programming language Julia, which can be downloaded from their webpage.

Currently, the package is not in a registry. It must therefore be added by specifying a URL to the repository:

using Pkg; Pkg.add(url="")

Users of older versions of Julia may need to wrap the contents of the brackets with PackageSpec().


Importing data

The rupture force data should be of the type Array{Float64,2}, where the first column contains the rupture forces F (in pN) and the second column the associated loading rates dF (in pN/s). In principle, users can lump all their measured force spectra into a single file and, e.g., read it in as follows:

using DelimitedFiles

data = readdlm(file_name)

However, in order to make use of our data trimming protocol, we recommend keeping data measured at different pulling speeds in separate files (stored in the directory rupture_forces), which can be read in using our specialized function:

using ForceSpectroscopyMLE

data = read_data("./rupture_forces/")

The array data is then of the type Array{Array{Float64,2},1}.

Parameter and error estimation

We can estimate the parameters βΔG_u, x_u and k_0 of the DHS model using the MLE_estimator function:

all_data = vcat(data...) # only necessary if 'data' is of the type Array{Array{Float64,2},1}
parameters = MLE_estimator(all_data,ν) # βΔG_u, x_u, k_0

The parameter ν can be set to 1/2 or 2/3 depending on the shape of the underlying free-energy landscape. For ν = 1 the DHS model reduces to the Bell-Evans model, which only depends on the parameters x_u and k_0. MLE_estimator has various optional arguments, most of which are inputs for the optimizer except for the absolute temperature T (in K):


The MLE_errors function provides an estimate of the parameter uncertainties:

errors = MLE_errors(all_data,ν) # δβΔG_u, δx_u, δk_0

with (almost) the same optional arguments as MLE_estimator:


We rely on bootstrapping to gauge the uncertainty of the estimates, by generating N new data sets from our sample of rupture forces and analyzing the results. This can become rather sluggish for large N, so it is recommended to run the command export JULIA_NUM_THREADS=n, with n being the number of available (physical) cores, before launching Julia. This speeds up the numerics significantly.

To check the number of available cores for threading, simply run

using Base.Threads; nthreads()

This should print the number n if the above-mentioned command was executed properly.

Data trimming

The function read_data sorts the data sets in ascending order with respect to the rupture forces. We can therefore use reduce_data to trim the last i datapoints from each data set, resulting in a reduced data set:

reduced_data = reduce_data(data,i)

For comparison, we can also randomly remove i datapoints from each data set:

randomly_reduced_data = random_reduce_data(data,i)

A more detailed example that systematically investigates the effect of data trimming on the parameter estimates can be found in the examples directory.


Analyze rupture force spectra from single-molecule force spectroscopy experiments to extract disassociation rates and parameters characterizing the free-energy profile underlying the bond.








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