Jupyter notebooks and Python code for analyzing air quality (fine particles, PM2.5)
1. Basic data visualization
2. Correlation of PM2.5
2.1 Correlation of PM2.5 with time
2.2. Correlation of PM2.5 with wind and temperature (data cleaning)
2.2. Correlation with wind and temperature (analysis)
2.3 Correlation with MERRA-2 data
2.4 Conversion wind (U,V) component, RH from temperatures
3.1 Data selection
3.2 Regression
Tool and packages
4. Credits
PDF version is in PDF folder, likewise HTML's
introduce to basic setup of folder, install
for Python package),Anaconda
is a good choice if you are using Windows (or even Mac, Linux). Alternatively, try out Google Colaboratory -
basic use of those tools (clean, explore, plot, interpret)
work with a CSV file from Airnow.gov
here are some graphs produced from this exercise
- basic line chart
- line chart with a band for standard deviation
- continue to work with the .CSV file from AirNow.Gov to explore the correlation between PM2.5 and time such as:
- peak-traffic hours vs. non-peak traffic hours
- weekends vs. weekdays
- variation of each months
- here is some graphs produced from this exercise
- a summary graph of this dataset
explore data source (specifically working with archieved meteorologcal data from NOAA.GOV
clean the data (which is formatted with Integrated Surface Data (ISD) style)
package to make windrose plot
explore correlation between meteorological paramters to observed PM2.5 concentration such wind, temperature, height above ground
capture espisode and examine relevant inputs with PM2.5
some examples from this exercise
- correlation graph:
work with MERRA-2 reanalysis data from NASA
find the correlation from main groups (single level, surface turbulent flux, aerosols mixing ratio) and PM2.5
here is the 3 summary graphs:
- Single level diagnosis
- surface turbulent flux
- Aerosol mixing:
a detour to look at conversion of wind data (U, V) vectors to speed and direction in degree
how to use MetPy packages calculate such conversion instead of manually undertake
explore data for the next which is selecting relevant data for predicting PM2.5
some graph examples:
- relation of height (to the ground) vs. pressure
- combine three sources of data fromt the previous exercise
- PM2.5 from airnow.gov
- Ground observed data from ncei.noaa.gov
- Reanalysis data from MERRA-2 product, SLV and FLX groups (or tags)
- remove dependent data and data with weak (very weak) correlation with PM2.5
- here is outcome of this exercise:
preliminary heatmap (of all most input parameters, don't worry about the name just yet):
a final version of selected data with correlation with PM2.5
and if you are curious about the full name of each parameter, here it is. Note that in the final version of CSV data, all temperature was converted from Kelvin (K) to Celsius (C).
{'TQV': 'total_precipitable_water_vapor, kg m-2', 'T2MDEW': 'dew_point_temperature_at_2_m, K', 'HLML': 'surface_layer_height, m', 'FRCAN': 'areal_fraction_of_anvil_showers, 1', 'T2M': '2-meter_air_temperature, K', 'WS': 'observed ground wind speed, m/s', 'DISPH': 'zero_plane_displacement_height, m', 'TQL': 'total_precipitable_liquid_water, kg m-2', 'v_50m': 'wind speed at 50m, m/s', 'v_850': 'wind speed at 850hPa (~1450m)', 'v_2m': 'wind speed at 2m, m/s', 'CLDCR': 'cloud cover, 1', 'CIG': 'ceiling height dimension, m', 'PS': 'surface_pressure, Pa', 'RHOA': 'air_density_at_surface, kg m-3', 'H1000': 'height_at_1000_mb, m'}
Work with
library with regression models such Linear, DecisionTree, RandomForest -
Evaluate performance of each model and an ensamble by PM2.5 and meteorological data for Hanoi, 2018. Datasets are cleaned and reduced from the previous excercise
Apply a model with less feastures (DarkSky), but easiler to extract via API.
Graphs from this excercise:
perfomance on train dataset (using ensemble regression)
performance on test dataset
relative standard deviation on each model (lower is better)
an hourly update web-interface using the same concept can be found here with selected sites at my personal website b-io.info
- screenshot example:
- the analysis is carried out on Jupyter Notebook (and later with Jupyter Lab 2.2), Ubuntu 18.04LTS.
- Python (3.6.9)
- Matplotlib (3.1.2)
- pandas (1.1.0)
- Seaborn (0.9.0)
- windrose (N/A)
- MetPy (1.0.0)
- scikit-learn (sklearn - 0.22.1)
- scipy (1.4.1)
- some of the writing and coding are carried out while I were working with PAM Air project. I appreciate the flexiblity from the management so that I can make this happen.
- Books:
- Tutorials:
- Admittedly, citing Github repository or other open project is new, but if this work is helpful for your work, I would appreciate the attribution, a link or a word.
- To cite this work, use this
Binh Nguyen, Air Quality Analysis, GitHub repository: https://github.com/binh-bk/air-quality-analysis
- experiment with LSTM is not yet promising.