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Automation Eyebuydirect - Playwright

Automation Eyebuydirect - Playwright This repository contains automation scripts for web testing on "" website using Typescript, Playwright.

Test Case

  1. Login Valid (Validation of Account)
  2. Login Invalid (Validation on Email)
  3. Filters (Ensure that the use of one or more filters retrieves the correct data)
  4. Wishlist (Ensure functionality of add and remove wishlist)


  1. Take a screenshot of each test case and organize them into separate folders based on the test case.
  2. Allure Report


Runs the end-to-end tests

  npx playwright test

Starts the interactive UI mode

  npx playwright test --ui

Runs the tests only on Desktop Chrome

  npx playwright test --project=chromium

Runs the tests in a specific file

  npx playwright test example

Runs the tests in debug mode

  npx playwright test --debug

Auto generate tests with Codegen

  npx playwright codegen

Make Allure Report

Allure Documentation

Install allure-playwright using a package manager

  npm install -D allure-playwright

Make allure reporter via the command line

  npx playwright test --reporter=allure-playwright

Install or upgrade Allure Report

Check Allure version

  allure --version

Generate Allure Report after the tests are executed:

  allure generate ./allure-results -o ./allure-report

Open the generated report:

  allure open ./allure-report

Command if use configuration in playwright.config.ts

Change this parameter on defineConfig

  reporter: [["html"],["allure-playwright"]],
  use: {
    trace: 'on-first-retry',
    screenshot: "only-on-failure",
    video: "on"

Run test

  npx playwright test

Generate Allure Report after the tests are executed:

  allure generate ./allure-results -o ./allure-report --clean

Open Allure Report

  allure open ./allure-report


Automation with Playwright and Allure Report






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