Automation Eyebuydirect - Playwright This repository contains automation scripts for web testing on "" website using Typescript, Playwright.
- Login Valid (Validation of Account)
- Login Invalid (Validation on Email)
- Filters (Ensure that the use of one or more filters retrieves the correct data)
- Wishlist (Ensure functionality of add and remove wishlist)
- Take a screenshot of each test case and organize them into separate folders based on the test case.
- Allure Report
Runs the end-to-end tests
npx playwright test
Starts the interactive UI mode
npx playwright test --ui
Runs the tests only on Desktop Chrome
npx playwright test --project=chromium
Runs the tests in a specific file
npx playwright test example
Runs the tests in debug mode
npx playwright test --debug
Auto generate tests with Codegen
npx playwright codegen
Allure Documentation
Install allure-playwright using a package manager
npm install -D allure-playwright
Make allure reporter via the command line
npx playwright test --reporter=allure-playwright
Install or upgrade Allure Report
Check Allure version
allure --version
Generate Allure Report after the tests are executed:
allure generate ./allure-results -o ./allure-report
Open the generated report:
allure open ./allure-report
Change this parameter on defineConfig
reporter: [["html"],["allure-playwright"]],
use: {
trace: 'on-first-retry',
screenshot: "only-on-failure",
video: "on"
Run test
npx playwright test
Generate Allure Report after the tests are executed:
allure generate ./allure-results -o ./allure-report --clean
Open Allure Report
allure open ./allure-report