a python pipeline to generate chain files between different genome assemblies for LiftOver.
This pipeline can only be used under Linux. These softwares must be in your system PATH
- Samtools.
- BLAT or pblat (preferred)
- UCSC tool kits, including:
- liftUp
- axtChain
- chainMergeSort
- chainSplit
- chainNet
- netChainSubset
pip3 install pyoverchain
git clone https://github.com/billzt/pyOverChain.git
cd pyOverChain
python3 setup.py install
pyoverchain [-h] [-v] [-n NUM_CHROMOSOME_TASKS] [-p NUM_THREADS_PBLAT]
old_genome new_genome chr_map
positional arguments:
old_genome Old genome file in FASTA format
new_genome New genome file in FASTA format
chr_map A chromosome-mapping-file in TSV format
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
number of parallel tasks to run different chromosomes
(default: 2)
number of threads for pblat. Only useful if pblat were
available (default: 2)
--disable-progress Disable progress displaying. Useful if you want to run
it in background (default: False)
It is a plain text file in TSV format showing the relationship between genome assemblies. Corresponding chromosomes usually have the same or similar names. However, this is not always the case.
#old_genome_chr new_genome_chr
chr1 chr1
chr2 chr2
chr3 chr3
This pipeline can only liftOver different assemblies of the same species.