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Building a food delivery application using Swiggy's realTime API .

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want to try out the project in your local envirment ?

step 1 : clone the project from Repo step 2 : open the project in VS code step 3 : open the VScode terminal step 4 : npm i (install all modules) step 5 : npm start (to start the local server) step 6 : go to the link what shows in your VScode terminal

thank You so much



  • Header
    • Location based Search
    • Cart Items
  • Home
    • Online/offline feature
    • Restaurant Search Bar
    • Filters of restaurant
    • List of Restaurants
      • Restaurant's Menu
        • accordian collaspeable feature
        • Add to the Cart

Tech cover in this Project

Swiggy's API - Swiggy's realtime data from their API(only for education purpose)

Tailwind CSS - it's a CSS framework to give our app style and design

Redux-toolkit - redux for state management

git & github - Git is a version control system software & GitHub is service where we store our Source Code of our project

NPM - Npm is a package manager who help us to install the packages to our project

React - React is a Javascript library for Frontend Web

Parcel - Parcel is an open-source bundler. bundler take cares lots of behind the scences for Example

  • Dev Build
  • Create Local server
  • HMR = Hot module replacement
  • File Watching Algorithem
  • Faster builds using caching
  • bundling
  • Minification
  • Code spliting
  • Diagnostics - Beautifull error showing
  • And a lot more

JSX - jsx is a html like Javascirpt syntax where we write HTML and Javascript together. JSx also take care of injection Attacters/malicous attacters. it prevent cross site scripting

React concept

Functional based components - i used latest version for creating component in react

Shimmer UI - it's fake data loading UI .it shows when data is being fetch from server. To give user's a smooth experience.

Option chaning - work with deaply nested objects much easier. it check the data if it is comes null or undefine. it restric the app crass

React.lazy - a component or a part of code loaded when it's required. it also refer a code spliting or dynamic Loading

React-router -it's a librabry for routing. it enables the navigantion amoung various components. it's client side routing

Higher order component - here we pass a component inside another component. we are resuing the component to make a new component out of it.

React hooks

useState - it is a state variable . when we update the state variable react automatically re-render the Component.

useEffect - it takes a callback function and a dependency array. useEffect calls once after components loads. In dependency array we add State variable whenever State variable changes again useEffect calls.

Context - it's like a global state where we store our data in a single place . and access them from anywhere in our project

useContext - it's a hook to access context data

useSelector - it help us to subcribe to our REDUX store and fetch the data from their

CustomHooks - These are reuseable javascript function . we perfrom somthing then return somthing to reuse

In this project we followed single responsiblity principle that means each components is a different function according to this principle each component should have signle responsiblity. Advantage of follow single responsiblity - reussalbity, maintanable and testable

How i load my app UI?

Loads -> Render(Fake UI) -> Api call -> Render(update with original data)


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