Problem: you have a lazy-init web cache system (like a CDN or Prerender, or an internal redis/memcache), in result the first visit for each page will have a big latency.
Solution: visit all your pages to warm-up the cache.
This tool is aimed to more static websites, Single Page Apps with unique URLs (example React with React Router) cached by CDNs or websites that uses Prerender (or similar solutions for SEO).
You provide one (or more) URLs (HTML pages) and it starts crawling the websites, triggering your cache (if any).
- It starts from the seeds (starting pages) you provide
- For each different domain found in the seeds starts a visit queue
- Visit a page from the queue
- Adds all the URLs found on that page in the queue
- Waits
milliseconds - if the
visited pages was reached, it exits - repeat the step 3 until the queue is empty
The crawler has nothing to do with your cache directly, it is a simple HTTP client that visits your website.
The tool was originally written to be used with Prerender, a service for Single Page Apps that does Server Side Rendering for bots (search engines like Google and previews like WhatsApp and Facebook). By default it uses the Googlebot user-agent (to trigger the Prerender cache), but you can change the parameters values.
The crawler is caching-agnostic, because it has a simple logic and just visits the web pages it can be used as a "warm" companion for any caching solution like Squid, CDN and so on.
- when it reaches the
(pages) visited per domain - when the queue is empty visits all the found URLs.
- when it encounters an error
- It does not follow the links that are on different domains than the ones found in seeds.
- Default
(pages) value is 10, so by default it will stop after 10 crawled links. - To avoid triggering a DDOS attack protection it has a default waiting time of 400ms between 2 requests on each domain.
- It follows redirects but instead of visiting them directly it adds them to the queue. As a result, each redirect will count as a different visited page.
- It adds a custom HTTP header
, you can use it to make custom firewall/app rules.
Download the prebuilt binaries and use them.
$ go install
warmcache --help
Clone the repo and build it yourself. Requires: go 1.11+, makefile, bash.
It uses Go modules so you can clone the project in any folder you want, it does not required to be in GOPATH/src
$ git clone
$ cd warmcache
$ make build
$ ./build/warmcache -help
-h, --help display help information
--seed *The start page (seed) of the crawl, example:
--max[=10] Max number of pages that will be scanned, for each domain
--delay[=400] Milliseconds between 2 page visits, for each domain
--robot[=Googlebot] Name of the robot, for robots.txt
--agent[=Mozilla/5.0 ...] User-agent for all requests
--debug Print all pages that are found
--query Add custom query params to all requests
--header[=X-warmcache:crawler] Add one or more HTTP request headers to all requests
Crawl trigger for Prerender:
$ ./build/warmcache --seed https://domain --debug --query "_escaped_fragment_="
Simple crawl of 2 domains, with a maximum of 400 visited pages:
$ ./build/warmcache --seed https://domain1 --seed https://domain2 --max 400
Custom delay time and user-agent:
$ ./build/warmcache --seed https://domain1 --delay 250 --robot "mybot" --agent "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MyBot/1.0)"
#optional, run your own intance of, in one terminal:
$ docker run -p 80:80 kennethreitz/httpbin
#in other terminal:
$ make build
$ ./build/warmcache --seed http://localhost/anything --debug --query "test=1" --query "_escaped_fragment_=1" --header "Accept: application/json"
You should see in the output the httpbin echo with all the parameters and custom headers.
To collect the CLI parameters:
To crawl the websites I used: that obey to robots.txt rules (using the robotstxt.go library) and launches 1 goroutine for each domain.
- improve the current code (see the TODOs)
- tests
- add option to trigger the cache (make requests) for all resources found on the same domain (images, CSS, JavaScript, audio, video ...)