Lasso is an excellent programming language with a long history in being used for web development. It deserves an excellent bundle for TextMate, and that's exactly what I plan to give it.
Lasso Homepage:
All you need to do is issue the following command from the command line:
$> git clone git:// ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles/Lasso.tmbundle
To update to the latest version of the bundle:
To manually download and install this bundle, follow these steps:
Click the Downloads button on the repository homepage (
Download and decompress the zip file
When you decompress the zip file, you'll see a folder named something like "bfad-Lasso-TM-Bundle-8f8ec88"
Rename this folder to Lasso.tmbundle
Once you do that, if you have TextMate installed, it should recognize it as a package. Double click the newly named Lasso.tmbundle and it should launch TextMate and install it for you
Brad Lindsay - Primary developer and maintainer of the bundle
Ke Carlton - Contributed the "Convert tags to Lasso 9" macro