Some boilerplate code to kickstart Preact-based projects.
Features :
- Webpack and Preact, configured and ready to go
- Strong typing thanks to TypeScript
- JS linting through ESlint and Prettier
- Support of CSS Modules and CSS Variables for component styling
- JS and CSS backward compatibility with older browsers through transpiling to ES5 + use of PostCSS and PostCSS-Preset-Env
- Lightning-fast deployment to Github Pages thanks to gh-pages
- Automated customization of the config file values
- Simply click the
use template
button on the GitHub interface to create a new repository based on this one. - See the Automatically update the project configuration to your own values section below.
- Create a new repository for your project.
- Open Terminal
- Create a bare clone of the
$ git clone --bare
- Mirror-push to the new repository.
$ cd old-repository.git
$ git push --mirror
- Remove the temporary local repository you created earlier.
$ cd ..
$ rm -rf old-repository.git
- See the "Automatically update the project configuration to your own values" section below.
- After making a local copy of your new repository, open Terminal
- Move to the local repository and run the
$ cd ./my-new-repository
$ npm run update-config