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Conflag 🔥🏁


Conflag is a data language. It's perfect for application configuration, once those configurations grow beyond a few command line flags or a 5-line JSON file.

Example use cases for Conflag:

  • Service deployment -- eg. replacing json/yaml for Kubernetes or nginx configs
  • Continuous integration -- eg. replacing yaml for Github Actions
  • ML experiments -- repeatable and replicable experiment parameters
  • Developer tooling -- eg. replacing JSON for VS Code or Sublime text configs

Write your data declaratively, but with table-stakes features like references, comments, and multiple files.

Any valid JSON file is already a valid Conflag file, so migration is easy, and the syntax is clear and easy to read. Get started in minutes and leave JSON behind.

Getting started

Rust with Serde:

cargo add conflag --features serde


git clone
cd conflag
cargo build --release --features python
cp target/release/

Meet the language

Write a config file: object.cfg

    hello: (name) => "Hello, " + name,
    name: "Stef",
    message: hello(name),
    double: (x) => x + x,
    data: map(double, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]),

Read into Rust struct with Serde

#[derive(serde::Deserializer, Debug)]
struct Stuff {
    message: String,
    data: Vec<u64>,

fn main() {
    let raw: &str = fs::read_to_string("object.cfg").unwrap();
    let stuff: Stuff = conflag::serde::from_str(raw).unwrap();

Read from Python

>>> import conflag
>>> s = conflag.loads(open("object.cfg").read())
>>> s.message
"Hello, Stef"
[2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

More language details

A more complex example

The following config will load to a list of model hyperparameter configs, running a parameter sweep over values for a dropout parameter.

It demonstrates a few features, such as

  • the builtin if and map functions
  • anonymous scopes -- the output is an array, rather than an object, and see how the arange function creates an anonymous scope
  • patching -- notice how we can easily make variants of model_params with fine-grained adjustments
    // Base hyperparams for a simple model
    model_params: {
        decoder_mlp: {
            hidden_layers: [1024, 512, 256],
            dropout: 0.2,
            activation: "relu",
            norm: null,
    // A helper function to help us with the sweep.
    // Like numpy's arange, create a list with a range of float values
    arange: (start, stop, step) => {
        // Name an internal computation in an anonymous scope
        done: if(step > 0, start >= stop, start <= stop),
        // Recursive calls allow building any necessary helpers
        result: if(done, [], [start] + arange(start + step, stop, step)),
    // A list that contains a copy of model_params for each value in our sweep
    experiments: map(
        // & is the patch operator, letting us override just the parts we want to change
        (_dropout) => model_params + {decoder_mlp: &{dropout: _dropout}},
        arange(0, 0.4, 0.01),

// We don't need to expose any of the other junk to our program!
// The data hides it in this anonymous scope and only produces the output list.

The Patch operator

The unary Patch operator & is a feature novel to Conflag. Its behavior is easier to explain with examples, but fundamentally it allows you to customize what happens when a value is replaced in a scope.

For example,

{a: 1} + {a: 2}

The value of this expression is {a: 2}, because the a in the second object replaces the value of a in the first object.

With the patch operator, we can configure this behavior in a couple of ways. Syntactically, this looks like:

{a: u} + {a: &v}

For instance, compare with and without the patch operator

  // has value {a: {b: "replace"}}
  without_patch: {a: {b: "b", c: "c"}} +  {a: {b: "replace"}}

  // has value {a: {b: "replace", c: "c"}}
  with_patch:    {a: {b: "b", c: "c"}} + &{a: {b: "replace"}}

The + operator gives a shallow dict union, and recursively it's simple to implement a full deep_union(d1, d2); however, in configuration it's frequently the case that you want some mix of the two. Consider the case where you're overriding parameters for an ML model: you might want to, deep inside a config, change an entire layer to another layer type, or replace the optimizer with one with entirely different parameters. By placing (or not placing) the & operator, you have infinite flexible control over dict union operations.

    base_model: {
        parameters: {layers: 6},
        training: {
            epochs: 10,
            optimizer: {sgd: {lr: 1e-3, momentum: 1e-6}},
    experiments: [
      base_model + {training: &{optimizer: &{sgd: &{lr: 2e-3}}}},
      base_model + {training: &{optimizer: {adam: {lr: 1e-3, eps: 1e-7}}}},

You can also use patches with functions:

base_model + {training: &{epochs: &(epochs) => 2 * epochs}}

The patch operator behaves in the following ways:

  • If v is a function, the result is {a: v(u)}
  • If v and u are both objects, the result is {a: u + v}
  • {a: &u} + {a: &v} is equivalent to {a: &(u + &v)} Additionally, & has a unique interaction with the + operator:
  • u + &v is equivalent to ({a: u} + {a: &v}).a

Serendipitously, this means that +& is equivalent to the |> pipeline operator some languages are adopting!

  point: (_x, _y) => {
    x: _x,
    y: _y,
    magnitude: import("math").sqrt(x * x + y * y),
  some_point: point(1, -1)
    +& displayed
    +& (p) => p.magnitude,


A functional and declarative configuration language






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