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Contributing to this wiki

Martin van der Schelling edited this page Dec 12, 2022 · 2 revisions

You can add or edit pages in this wiki in two ways:

Method 1: from browser

  1. Navigate to the wiki page. You will start on the homepage of the wiki
  2. Click on the Edit to make some changes or New page button to add a new page ! Note that images you can not attach images to wiki pages from the browser.

Method 2: clone wiki repository locally

  1. Download the markdown editor obsidian
  2. Clone the wiki repository: git clone
  3. Open Obsidian and open the repo folder as a vault
  4. When you have made changes or added pages, you can commit directly to the main branch Images are located in the /img/ folder and can be linked to documents in the following way ![[img/image.png]]